1.5.8 建立外部關鍵字
-- 外部關鍵字關聯字段
alter table [dbo].[進貨單] add
constraint [進貨單_供貨商_fk] foreign key
) references [dbo].[供貨商清單] (
alter table [dbo].[進貨單明細] add
constraint [fk_進貨單明細_進貨單] foreign key
) references [dbo].[進貨單] (
),constraint [進貨單明細_貨號_fk] foreign key
) references [dbo].[商品清單] (
alter table [dbo].[銷售單] add
constraint [銷售單_客戶編號_fk] foreign key
) references [dbo].[客戶清單] (
alter table [dbo].[銷售單明細] add
constraint [fk_銷售單明細_銷售單] foreign key
) references [dbo].[銷售單] (
),constraint [銷售單明細_貨號_fk] foreign key
) references [dbo].[商品清單] (
1.5.9 建立儲存過程
-- 儲存過程
create procedure sf_進貨單 @記帳人 char(10) = null
asbegin transaction
-- 庫存庫中沒有,增加記錄
insert into 庫存庫(貨號,倉庫,庫存數量,庫存金額,庫存單價)
select distinct j.貨號, j.倉庫, 0,0,0
from 進貨單明細 as j left join 庫存庫 as k on ( j.倉庫=k.倉庫 and j.貨號=k.貨號 )
where k.貨號 is null
-- 修改庫存資訊
update 庫存庫 set 庫存單價=case when 庫存數量<=0 or (庫存數量+數量all)<=0 then 進價
else (庫存金額+稅價合計all)/(庫存數量+數量all) end ,
庫存金額=case when 庫存數量<=0 or (庫存數量+數量all)<=0
then 進價*(庫存數量+數量all) else (庫存金額+稅價合計all) end ,
(select 倉庫,貨號,'數量all'=sum(進貨數量), '進價' = sum(稅價合計)/sum(進貨數量),
'稅價合計all'=sum(稅價合計) from 進貨單明細 group by 倉庫,貨號) as lsj
where 庫存庫.倉庫=lsj.倉庫 and 庫存庫.貨號=lsj.貨號
-- 加入應付款
insert into 應付款(編號, 進貨單號, 貨號, 供貨商號, 數量, 進貨單價, 金額, 進貨日期, 狀態)
select '付'+a.編號,b.編號,a.貨號,b.供貨商號,進貨數量,進價,a.稅價合計,進貨日期,'應付'
from 進貨單明細 as a, 進貨單 as b
where a.進貨單號=b.編號
-- 加入歷史
insert into 進貨單歷史 select * from 進貨單
insert into 進貨單明細歷史 select * from 進貨單明細
-- 清除進貨單
delete from 進貨單明細
delete from 進貨單
gocreate procedure sf_銷售單 @記帳人 char(10) = null
asbegin transaction
-- 修改庫存資訊
update 庫存庫 set 庫存數量=庫存數量-數量all, 庫存金額=庫存單價*(庫存數量-數量all)
from (select 倉庫,貨號,'數量all'=sum(銷售數量) from 銷售單明細
group by 倉庫,貨號) as lsj
where 庫存庫.倉庫=lsj.倉庫 and 庫存庫.貨號=lsj.貨號
-- 加入應收款
insert into 應收款(編號, 銷售單號, 貨號, 客戶編號, 數量, 銷售價, 金額, 銷售日期, 狀態)
select '收'+a.編號,b.編號,a.貨號,b.客戶編號,銷售數量,銷售價,a.稅價合計,銷售日期,'應收'
from 銷售單明細 as a, 銷售單 as b
where a.銷售單號=b.編號
-- 加入歷史
insert into 銷售單歷史 select * from 銷售單
insert into 銷售單明細歷史 select * from 銷售單明細
-- 清除銷售單
delete from 銷售單明細
delete from 銷售單
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