alter proc [futurema].[updageorderdatasdistinguishresult]
asdeclare @connectionstring nvarchar(256)
declare @server nvarchar(256)
declare @uid nvarchar(256)
declare @pwd nvarchar(256)
declare @database nvarchar(256)
declare @svrlink nvarchar(50)
declare @sql nvarchar(1000)
declare @orderid uniqueidentifier
declare @ordercount int,@i int,@datacount int,@dc int
set @i=0
declare @temp_perorders table(orid uniqueidentifier,datacount int, storedb nvarchar(max) )
insert into @temp_perorders(orid ,datacount, storedb )
select orderdatas.orderid,
from futuremanagement_manage.futurema.orderdatas with(nolock)
inner join futuremanagement_masters.futurema.storeservers with(nolock)
on orderdatas.storeservers.value('(/ss/s[@type=2])[1]', 'int') = storeservers.storeserverid
where matterid =0 and
finishdatetime is null and
orderdatas.orderproperty.value('(/op/dc)[1]', 'int') <> orderdatas.datacount
select @ordercount = count(*) from @temp_perorders
if @ordercount=0
while @i<@ordercount
set rowcount @i
@orderid = orid,
@datacount = datacount,
@connectionstring =storedb
from @temp_perorders
--print @orderid
--print @connectionstring
declare @temp_connectinfo table
info nvarchar(50)
if (@connectionstring is not null) and len (@connectionstring)> 0
insert into @temp_connectinfo
select substring(connectinfo,b.number,charindex(';',connectinfo+';',b.number)-b.number) as info
from (select @connectionstring connectinfo) op
join master..spt_values as b
on b.type='p' and b.number >0 and substring(';'+connectinfo,b.number,1)=';'
endselect @server = substring(info, charindex('=',info)+1,len(info) - charindex('=',info) ) from @temp_connectinfo where info like 'server%'
select @uid = substring(info, charindex('=',info)+1,len(info) - charindex('=',info) ) from @temp_connectinfo where info like 'uid%'
select @pwd = substring(info, charindex('=',info)+1,len(info) - charindex('=',info) ) from @temp_connectinfo where info like 'pwd%'
select @database = substring(info, charindex('=',info)+1,len(info) - charindex('=',info) ) from @temp_connectinfo where info like 'database%'
begin try
set @svrlink = newid()
exec sp_addlinkedserver @svrlink, ' ', 'sqloledb ', @server
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @svrlink, 'false',null, @uid, @pwd
exec sp_serveroption @svrlink, 'rpc', 'on'
exec sp_serveroption @svrlink, 'rpc out', 'on'
if (@@rowcount = 1)
declare @description nvarchar(1000) ,
@distinguishcount int
set @sql = '
@orderid= @orderid,
@description = @description output,
@distinguishcount = @distinguishcount output
exec sp_executesql @sql,
n'@orderid uniqueidentifier ,@description nvarchar(1000) output,@distinguishcount int output',
@orderid ,
@description output,
@distinguishcount output
--print @orderid
--print @description
--print @distinguishcount
update futuremanagement_manage.futurema.orderdatas
set orderproperty.modify('replace value of(/op/dc[1]/text())[1] with sql:variable("@distinguishcount")')
where orderid = @orderid
update futuremanagement_manage.futurema.orderdatas
set orderproperty.modify('replace value of(/op/dd[1]/text())[1] with sql:variable("@description")')
where orderid = @orderid
exec sp_dropserver @svrlink,'droplogins'
end try
begin catch
exec sp_dropserver @svrlink,'droplogins'
end catch
set @i += 1
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