
2021-09-30 04:54:52 字數 2639 閱讀 1941

void printprocessnameandid( dword processid )

tchar szprocessname[max_path] = text("");

// get a handle to the process.

handle hprocess = openprocess( process_query_information |


false, processid );

// get the process name.

if (null != hprocess )

hmodule hmod;

dword cbneeded;

if ( enumprocessmodules( hprocess, &hmod, sizeof(hmod), 

&cbneeded) )

getmodulebasename( hprocess, hmod, szprocessname, 

sizeof(szprocessname)/sizeof(tchar) );

// print the process name and identifier.

// _tprintf( text("%s  (pid: %u)/n"), szprocessname, processid );

closehandle( hprocess );

void cmy123dlg::onbnclickedbutton2()

// todo: 在此新增控制項通知處理程式**

dword aprocesses[1024], cbneeded, cprocesses;

unsigned int i;

if ( !enumprocesses( aprocesses, sizeof(aprocesses), &cbneeded ) )


// calculate how many process identifiers were returned.

cprocesses = cbneeded / sizeof(dword);

// print the name and process identifier for each process.

for ( i = 0; i < cprocesses; i++ )

if( aprocesses[i] != 0 )

printprocessnameandid( aprocesses[i] );

注意:該函式需要包含#include 標頭檔案,還要包含psapi.lib

根據以上內容,下列**,為殺死指定程序12.exe 的函式

void cmy123dlg::onbnclickedbutton3()

// todo: 在此新增控制項通知處理程式**

tchar szprocessname[max_path] = text("");

int lpexitcode=0;

dword aprocesses[1024], cbneeded, cprocesses;

unsigned int i;

if ( !enumprocesses( aprocesses, sizeof(aprocesses), &cbneeded ) )


// calculate how many process identifiers were returned.

cprocesses = cbneeded / sizeof(dword);

// print the name and process identifier for each process.

for ( i = 0; i < cprocesses; i++ )

if( aprocesses[i] != 0 )

// get a handle to the process.

handle hprocess = openprocess( process_query_information |


false, aprocesses[i] );

// get the process name.

if (null != hprocess )

hmodule hmod;

dword cbneeded;

if ( enumprocessmodules( hprocess, &hmod, sizeof(hmod), 

&cbneeded) )

getmodulebasename( hprocess, hmod, szprocessname, 

sizeof(szprocessname)/sizeof(tchar) );

// if(szprocessname == _t("12.exe"))


hprocess = openprocess( process_terminate |


false, aprocesses[i] );


printprocessnameandid( aprocesses[i] );


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