1.建立表空間grant select on tablename to zhangsan;//授予zhangsan使用者檢視指定表的許可權create tablespace user_data
logging /*logging 是物件的屬性,建立資料庫物件時,oracle 將日誌資訊記錄到練級重做日誌檔案中。代表空間型別為永久型 */
datafile 'd:\oracle\oradata\oracle9i\user_data.dbf'
size 50m
autoextend on /*autoextend on 表空間大小不夠用時自動擴充套件*/
next 50m maxsize 20480m /*next 50m 自動擴充套件增量為50mb */
extent management local; /*extent management local 代表管理方式為本地*/
create user test identified by test;
alter user test identified by 123456;
grant drop on tablename to zhangsan;//授予刪除表的許可權
grant insert on tablename to zhangsan;//授予插入的許可權
grant update on tablename to zhangsan;//授予修改表的許可權
grant insert(id) on tablename to zhangsan;
grant update(id) on tablename to zhangsan;//授予對指定表特定欄位的插入和修改許可權,注意,只能是insert和update
grant alert all table to zhangsan;//授予zhangsan使用者alert任意表的許可權
grant dba to username;//授予dba許可權
oracle 常用語句
oracle 產看表空間 select total.name tablespace name free space,total space free space used space,total space from select tablespace name,sum bytes 1024 102...
drop tablespace crm online space including contents and datafiles 刪除表空間 drop user wuliu01 cascade 刪除使用者 exp orcl file d dmp 匯出資料庫 imp orcl file e alen...
oracle 常用語句
oracle 常用語句 查詢表的大小 select t.owner,t.segment name,sum t.blocks 8 1024 m as s,t.segment type from dba segments t where t.owner user name group by t.owne...