另類實驗 Linux啟動後,rm刪除全部磁碟的效果

2021-09-29 10:58:49 字數 3055 閱讀 4439


疑問:在linux啟動後,執行rm -rf /刪除所有目錄及檔案,系統還能執行嗎?


linux啟動後,以root使用者執行。提公升需要增加:--no-preserve-root 引數,然後增加引數再試

[root@centosa ~]# rm -rf /

rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on 『/』

rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe

[root@centosa ~]# rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

然後增加引數再rm嘗試。rm刪除過程中提示了很多「rm: cannot remove」

刪除完後,發現可用的命令有cd 、 pwd、export等命令。許多日常常用的命令都無法使用。甚至poweroff關機命令也無法執行只能強行關機。如下圖( bash: sed: command not found 這句提示可忽略 )



rm: cannot remove 『/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs/nfs』: operation not permitted

rm: cannot remove 『/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs/mount』: operation not permitted

rm: cannot remove 『/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs/lockd』: operation not permitted

rm: cannot remove 『/var/lib/fwupd』: device or resource busy

rm: cannot remove 『/tmp』: device or resource busy

rm: cannot remove 『/usr』: device or resource busy

rm: cannot remove 『/home』: device or resource busy

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa /]#

bash: sed: command not found

root@centosa /]# df -m

bash: df: command not found

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa ~]# cd /

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa /]# pwd

/bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa /]# ls

bash: ls: command not found

bash: sed: command not found


linux啟動後,以root使用者執行。  刪除前,先執行一些命令,例如:cd 、pwd、vi、ls、top、ps、df、export、echo等。執行後,相當於把命令的內容載入到記憶體中。

[root@centosa tmp]# cd /etc/

[root@centosa etc]# pwd


[root@centosa etc]# vi /etc/passwd

[root@centosa etc]# ls

[root@centosa etc]# top

[root@centosa etc]# ps

[root@centosa etc]# df -m

[root@centosa etc]# export

[root@centosa etc]# echo "aaa"

然後再執行刪除:rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 

[root@centosa etc]# cd /etc/

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa etc]# pwd


bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa etc]# vi /etc/passwd

bash: /usr/bin/vi: no such file or directory

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa etc]# ls

bash: /usr/bin/ls: no such file or directory

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa etc]# top

bash: /usr/bin/top: no such file or directory

bash: sed: command not found

[root@centosa etc]# ps

bash: /usr/bin/ps: no such file or directory

bash: sed: command not found

entosa etc]# echo "aaa"

aaabash: sed: command not found

能用的還是那幾個命令(多了echo命令可以用),其他命令還是不能用。但提示已經變成了:no such file or directory



日常使用 rm -rf /  linux有保護性提示,不容易誤操作。


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