python 檔案比對

2021-09-27 21:00:37 字數 2702 閱讀 2073

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

class data:

def __init__(self, a="", b=""):

self.a = a

self.b = b

def return_data(self):

return self.a, self.b

class createobject:

def __init__(self, class_name="null", class_type=-1, class_length=0, class_param=):

self.class_name = class_name

self.classtype = class_type

self.classlength = class_length

self.classparam = class_param

class inte***ce:

def __init__(self, result_name=0, error_mag=0):

self.result_name = result_name

self.error_mag = error_mag

def compare_files(p, c):

# 從比較檔案中獲取乙個方法

msg_list =

for i in range(len(c)):

itf = inte***ce()

for j in range(len(p)):

# 如果方法名一致

if p[j].classname == c[i].classname:

# 如果 返回型別一致

if p[j].classtype == c[i].classtype:

# 引數長度

if p[j].classlength == c[i].classlength:

# 遍歷引數列表

for m in range(len(c[i].classparam)):

for n in range(len(p[j].classparam)):

# 找出引數依次比較

if c[i].classparam[m].paramname == p[j].classparam[n].paramname:

if c[i].classparam[m].paramtype == p[j].classparam[n].paramtype:

itf.result_name = c[i].classname

itf.error_mag = "success"


print("classlength i = ", i, "j = ", j, "m =", m, "n = ", n)

if m == len(c[i].classparam) and n == len(p[j].classparam):

itf.result_name = c.classname

itf.error_mag = "wrong param type"


print("classlength i = ", i, "j = ", j, "m =", m, "n = ", n)

if m == len(c[i].classparam) and n == len(p[j].classparam):

itf.result_name = c.classname

itf.error_mag = "paramname not exist"


print("classlength i = ", i, "j = ", j)

# 如果是最後一條資料

if j == len(p):

itf.result_name = c.classname

itf.error_mag = "wrong param number"


print("classtype i = ", i, "j = ", j)

# 如果是最後一條資料

if j == len(p):

itf.result_name = c.classname

itf.error_mag = "wrong return type"


print ("classname i = ", i, "j = ", j)

# 如果是最後一條資料

if j == len(p):

itf.result_name = c.classname

itf.error_mag = "classname not exist"

return msg_list

if __name__ == "__main__":

lis1 = [

, ]},

, ]},

, , ]

},, , ]}]

lis2 = [

, ]},

, ]},

, , ]

},, , ]}]

data_obj = createobject()

cf = compare_files(lis1, lis2)

for inner in cf:

if inner.result_name is not 'success':

print inner.result_name + ":" + inner.error_mag



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