[root@t-docker cmd]# cat dockerfile2
from centos
run yum -y install curl
entrypoint ["curl","-s",""]
onbuild run echo "father images onbuild -----886" #表示哪個映象繼承了我,我就打出這句話
[root@t-docker cmd]# docker build -f dockerfile2 -t myip_father .
sending build context to docker daemon 3.072kb
step 1/4 : from centos
---> 5182e96772bf
step 2/4 : run yum -y install curl
---> using cache
---> a35f6ad9700f
step 3/4 : entrypoint ["curl","-s",""]
---> using cache
---> b772af142e86
step 4/4 : onbuild run echo "father images onbuild -----886" #表示哪個映象繼承了我,我就打出這句話。
---> running in 8366a71cb8ba
removing intermediate container 8366a71cb8ba
---> 8615f1d828ed
successfully built 8615f1d828ed
successfully tagged myip_father:latest
[root@t-docker cmd]# docker images
repository tag image id created size
myip_father latest 8615f1d828ed 28 seconds ago 293mb
[root@t-docker cmd]# cat dockerfile3
from myip_father
run yum -y install curl
cmd ["curl","-s",""]
上面看到在構建dockerfile3時輸出了# executing 1 build trigger這句話。說明子映象繼承父映象時,父映象觸發了相應的動作。[root@t-docker cmd]# docker build -f dockerfile3 -t myip_son .
sending build context to docker daemon 4.096kb
step 1/3 : from myip_father
# executing 1 build trigger
---> running in c0ec856045b2
father images onbuild -----886
removing intermediate container c0ec856045b2
---> 533afe432759
step 2/3 : run yum -y install curl
---> running in 943e0afa4268
loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.huaweicloud.com
* extras: mirrors.huaweicloud.com
* updates: mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn
package curl-7.29.0-46.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
nothing to do
removing intermediate container 943e0afa4268
---> 54ddf5f440ec
step 3/3 : cmd ["curl","-s",""]
---> running in beff0a4f1b82
removing intermediate container beff0a4f1b82
---> 68d373aea823
successfully built 68d373aea823
successfully tagged myip_son:latest
說明 docker容器裡,如果我們想測試兩個容器是否建立關係,我們可以用ping來測試。在預設情況下,docker的centenos映象由於做了精簡,去掉了ping命令,此時需要我們自己安裝 執行一下命令,這時會提示沒有找到ping命令 root localhost docker exec it t...
先看下問題,進入jenkins容器,執行docker命令,無法執行,如下報錯 背景最近想用gitlab jenkins實現持續部署 通過hook觸發jerkins執行job 構建打包 部署,但是執行過程出現報錯 如下圖 於是乎在容器裡面嘗試執行docker命令,出現了如標題問題。如何解決 網上 je...
Docker學習筆記 1 2 Docker元件
docker的核心元件包括 docker是乙個客戶端 伺服器 c s 架構的程式。docker客戶端只需向伺服器或守護程序發出請求,伺服器或守護程序將完成所有工作並返回結果。docker守護程序又是也稱為docker引擎。docker提供了乙個命令列工具docker以及一整套restful api來...