為了符合國內的習慣,周一為每週第一天,所以要計算出周一的日期來,然後根據日期與第乙個週日的日期差比7之後的數字就得到周目,按照周目統計即可得到每週統計數,最後輸出時,將當前周目的周一和週日日期列出;with t as (
select min(u_reg) as 最早註冊時間,datepart(w,min(u_reg)) as 週幾
from pub_users with (nolock)
where u_reg>'2000-1-1'
),t1 as (
select *
,dateadd(d,(case when 週幾=1 then -6 else 2-週幾 end),convert(date,最早註冊時間)) as 周一
from t
),t2 as (
select datediff(d,周一,u_reg)/7+1 as 周目,count(0) as 註冊量
from pub_users u with (nolock),t1 b
where u_reg>=周一
group by datediff(d,周一,u_reg)/7
)select t2.*,dateadd(d,(周目-1)*7,周一),dateadd(d,周目*7-1,周一) from t2,t1 order by 1
自然月的計算還是用dateadd方式吧,年也一樣,否則閏年,大月、小月能弄死人的,dateadd(m,1,'2019-1-30')直接得到的資料是2019-2-28,很方便哦,不需要在考慮自然月有幾天的問題;with t as (
select * from users a
select number
from master..spt_values
where type='p' and number<=datediff(m,a.reg_date,getdate())
) bselect dateadd(m,number,reg_date) as month_start
,dateadd(d,-1,dateadd(m,number+1,reg_date)) as month_end
where dateadd(m,number,reg_date)<=getdate()
) c)select uid,month_start,month_end,cnt
from t a
select count(0) as cnt,sum(case when isdel=1 then 1 else 0 end) as 刪除數
,sum(case when isdel=0 and isonline=1 then 1 else 0 end) as 上線數
from products with (nolock)
where u_id=a.uid and createtime>=month_start and convert(date,createtime)<=month_end
) border by a.uid,month_start
C 5 日期類的實現
比較運算子的過載 得出日期相差天數 列印日期 獲取當前月份天數 判斷是否是閏年 class date.c 執行測試圖 pragma once include using namespace std class date date date const date d date operator con...
NYOJ 75 日期的計算(打表 日期類水題)
描述如題,輸入乙個日期,格式如 2010 10 24 判斷這一天是這一年中的第幾天。輸入 第一行輸入乙個數n 0輸出 每組輸入資料的輸出佔一行,輸出判斷出的天數n 樣例輸入 3 2000 4 5 2001 5 4 2010 10 24 樣例輸出 96 124297 雖然很簡單,還是套模板做了,因為打...
SAP UI5日期欄位的顯示邏輯和用法
sent tuesday,december 23,2014 2 27 pm 這裡是opportunity notes ui上date format的邏輯 sender senderactive false timestamp text 每一條notes item上面都可以繫結乙個date forma...