# definition for singly-linked list.
#class listnode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = none
class solution:
def mergetwolists(self, l1: listnode, l2: listnode) -> listnode:
l_new = listnode(none)
ll_new = l_new
if l1 == none and l2 == none:
while (l1 != none) and (l2 != none):
if l1.val <= l2.val:
l_new.val = l1.val
l1 = l1.next
l_new.next = listnode(none)
l_new = l_new.next
l_new.val = l2.val
l2 = l2.next
l_new.next = listnode(none)
l_new = l_new.next
while l1 != none:
l_new.val = l1.val
l1 = l1.next
l_new.next = listnode(none)
l_new = l_new.next
while l2 != none:
l_new.val = l2.val
l2 = l2.next
l_new.next = listnode(none)
l_new = l_new.next
l2_new = ll_new
while ll_new.next.val != none:
ll_new = ll_new.next
ll_new.next = none
return l2_new
Leedcode 每日一題 合併兩個有序鍊錶
將兩個有序鍊錶合併為乙個新的有序鍊錶並返回。新煉表是通過拼接給定的兩個鍊錶的所有節點組成的。示例 輸入 1 2 4,1 3 4 輸出 1 1 2 3 4 4 迭代法 definition for singly linked list.struct listnode class solution el...
鍊錶的題目總是讓我很惆悵。動輒就會runtime error。比如這題,額外用了乙個節點的空間來儲存頭節點。我很不情願多用這個空間,不過貌似不行。貌似不行,實際可行,見附錄。把頭節點提出迴圈 實現類 class solution else if l1 null p next l1 if l2 nul...
三個指標乙個儲存la鍊錶 乙個儲存lb鍊錶,乙個指向新的鍊錶。鍊錶的插入,兩個指標,乙個是head,乙個指向head後面的鏈,新插入的元素位於head後面。執行該 自己外加上class類。static class node public static void main string args st...