select abs(-14) as 絕對值 from dual --dual是一張虛擬表
--lower 將字串轉換為小寫
select lower('helloworld') as 轉小寫 from dual
----upper 將字串變為大寫
select upper('abcdefg') as 轉大寫 from dual
--initcap 將字串的第乙個字母變為大寫
select initcap('superman') as 首大 from dual
--concat 拼接兩個字串,與 || 相同
select id||id,name from s_dept ;
select concat(id,id),name from s_dept ;
--substr 取字串的子串
select substr('hello',3) from dual
select substr('helloworld',3,5) from dual
--length 以字元給出字串的長度
select length('helloworld') as 長度 from dual
--nvl 以乙個值來替換空值
select salary*nvl(commission_pct,0) as 提成 from s_emp
-- 查詢last_name值為patel,不區分大小寫 用upper
select upper(last_name) from s_emp where upper(last_name)='biri'
select round(452.7454) from dual
select round(452.7454,2) from dual
select round(452.7454,-1) from dual
select trunc(452.7454) from dual
select trunc(452.7454,2) from dual
select trunc(452.7454,-1) from dual
select months_between(
) as months
from dual
select round(months_between(sysdate,start_date)/12) as 入職年份
from s_emp
select add_months(sysdate,1) from dual
select next_day(sysdate,'星期一') from dual
select last_day(add_months(sysdate,1)) from dual
select to_date('16-08-2019','dd-mm-yy') from dual
select round(to_date('16-08-2019','dd-mm-yyyy'),'month') from dual
--to_char(1210.73, '9999.9') 返回 '1210.7'
--to_char(1210.73, '9,999.99') 返回 '1,210.73'
--to_char(1210.73, '$9,999.00') 返回 '$1,210.73'
--to_char(21, '000099') 返回 '000021'
--to_char(852,'***x') 返回' 354'
select to_char(123456.123456,'99,999,999.999') from dual
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual
select last_name,to_char(start_date,'fmddspth " of "month yyyy fmhh:mi:ss am') hiredate
from s_emp where to_char(start_date) like '%91'
select * from s_emp where to_number(to_char(start_date,'mm'))=5
--'2019-08-15 19:35:44'
select to_date('2019-08-15 19:35:44','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual
--查詢員工表中manager_id為空的員工查詢出來,並將空列的值置為「no manager」
select nvl(to_char(manager_id),'no manager') last_name,id from s_emp
where manager_id is null
--表名1.列名,表名2.列名,表名1.列名,表名2.列名 。。。
--where 表名1.列=表名2.列名
select s_emp.last_name,s_dept.name
from s_emp,s_dept
where s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
and s_emp.last_name='biri'
--別名1.列名,別名1.列名,別名2.列名,別名2.列名 。。。
--表名1 as 別名1,表名2 as 別名2
--where 別名1.列=別名2.列名
select emp.last_name,dept.name
from s_emp emp,s_dept dept
where emp.dept_id=dept.id
and emp.last_name='biri'
--select 表1.列名,表2.列名
--from 表1
--inner join
--on 表2.列 =表1.列
select s_emp.last_name,s_dept.name
from s_emp inner join s_dept
on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
where s_emp.last_name='biri'
select emp.last_name|| '是'||emp2.last_name ||'經理'
from s_emp emp inner join s_emp emp2
on emp.id = emp2.manager_id
select * from s_emp
left outer join s_dept
on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
where s_dept.id is null
select * from s_emp,s_dept
where s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id(+)
and s_dept.id is null
select * from s_dept
right outer join s_emp
on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
where s_dept.id is null
select * from s_emp,s_dept,s_region
where s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
and s_dept.region_id=s_region.id
select * from
s_emp inner join
on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
inner join s_region
on s_dept.region_id=s_region.id
select * from
s_emp inner join
s_dept inner join s_region
on s_dept.region_id=s_region.id
on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id
建立使用者 create user 使用者名稱 identified by 指令 密碼 如果提示公共使用者名稱無效,失敗。那就再使用者名稱前加乙個c create user c 使用者名稱 identified by 指令 密碼 賦予許可權 grant connect,resource to 使用者...
XAML 語法學習記錄
xaml的框架都是樹狀的,這深刻影響著wpf的屬性子系統和事件子系統。在實踐程式設計中,我們經常要查詢這棵樹,進行按名稱查詢元素,獲取父 子節點等操作 wp基本類庫準備了visualtreehelper和logicaltree helper兩個類助手 3.2xaml中為物件屬性賦值 3.2.1使用標...
乾貨 xpath語法學習記錄
注 若是含有中文,則 keyword u 中文 xpath body div contains class,s keyword 或 xpath u body div contains class,中文 問題1.若想獲取乙個節點下的所有內容,但其內容包含在當前節點下的不同子節點中 解決方案 xpath...