leetcode第149場周賽(8 11)

2021-09-26 02:19:16 字數 2298 閱讀 9042


通常情況下,我們認為 1 月 1 日是每年的第 1 天,1 月 2 日是每年的第 2 天,依此類推。每個月的天數與現行公元紀年法(格里高利歷)一致。

class solution(object):

def ordinalofdate(self, date):

""":type date: str

:rtype: int

"""dic =

num = list(map(int,date.split('-')))

res = 0

flag = 0

for i in range(len(num)):

if i == 0:

a = num[0]//100

if num[0]%100 == 0:

if (num[0]//100)%4==0:

flag = 1

elif num[0] %4 == 0:

flag = 1

elif i == 1:

for j in range(1,num[i]):

if j == 2 and flag == 1:

res += dic[j]+1


res += dic[j]


res += num[2]

return res



class solution(object):

def maxrepopt1(self, text):

""":type text: str

:rtype: int

"""ans = 1

lens = len(text)

dic = collections.counter(text)

l, r = 0, 0

while r < lens:

k = 0

while r < lens and text[r] == text[l]:

r += 1

k += 1

if r < lens:

if dic[text[l]] >= l-r+1:

r += 1

while r < lens and text[r] == text[l]:

r += 1

ans = max(ans, min(r-l, dic[text[l]]))


ans = max(ans, min(r-l, dic[text[l]]))


ans = max(ans, r-l)


l += k

r = l

return ans

這裡有d個一樣的骰子,每個骰子上都有f個面,分別標號為1, 2, ..., f


如果需要擲出的總點數為target,請你計算出有多少種不同的組合情況(所有的組合情況總共有f^d種),10^9 + 7後返回。

class solution(object):

def numrollstotarget(self, d, f, target):

""":type d: int

:type f: int

:type target: int

:rtype: int

"""dp = [[0]*(target+1) for _ in range(d+1)]

dp[0][0] = 1

for i in range(d):

for j in range(target+1):

for k in range(1,f+1):

if dp[i][j]!=0 and j+k <= target:

dp[i+1][j+k] += dp[i][j]

dp[i+1][j+k] %= 10**9+7

return dp[d][target]

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