建立test.txt$ git init
initialized empty git repository in /users/coconutnut/tree/midgard/localgit/.git/
修改test.txt後$ git add test.txt
$ git commit -m"the first test.txt"
檢視修改$ git status
on branch master
changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: test.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
提交$ git diff test.txt
diff --git a/test.txt b/test.txt
index 990931d..a20531f 100644
--- a/test.txt
+++ b/test.txt
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-test localgit
+git is a distributed version control system.
++git is free software.
\ no newline at end of file
或$ git log
commit f5fa5b8fece043af1df9ee1148318ce286c5a913 (head -> master)
author: s xu date: tue jul 2 11:06:23 2019 +0800
the second test.txt
commit eb531336ab4ad344612448cb067b3c366d61e484
author: s xu date: tue jul 2 11:01:35 2019 +0800
the first test.txt
回退到上乙個版本$ git log --pretty=oneline
f5fa5b8fece043af1df9ee1148318ce286c5a913 (head -> master) the second test.txt
eb531336ab4ad344612448cb067b3c366d61e484 the first test.txt
$ git reset --hard head^
head is now at eb53133 the first test.txt
檢視日誌$ git reset --hard f5fa5b8
head is now at f5fa5b8 the second test.txt
$ cat test.txt
git is a distributed version control system.
git is free software.ss-macbook-pro:localgit coconutnut$
檢視緩衝區內檔案$ git reflog
f5fa5b8 (head -> master) head@: reset: moving to f5fa5b8
eb53133 head@: reset: moving to head^
f5fa5b8 (head -> master) head@: commit: the second test.txt
eb53133 head@: commit (initial): the first test.txt
刪除檔案$ git ls-files
$ git rm test.txt
rm 'test.txt'
建立ssh key$ git config --global user.name "coconutnut"
$ git config --global user.email "coconutnutx@163.com"
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -c "coconutnutx@163.com"
$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
github新增ssh key
$ ssh -t git@github.com
hi coconutnutx! you've successfully authenticated, but github does not provide shell access.
git stash git stash list 顯示git棧內的所有備份,可以利用這個列表來決定從那個地方恢復。git stash clear 清空git棧。此時使用gitg等圖形化工具會發現,原來stash的哪些節點都消失了。關於git stash的詳細解釋,適用場合,這裡做乙個說明 使用git...
git 學習筆記
1 git checkout master 切換分支 2 git checkout b xx 新建分支,同時切換到該分支 3 dev 4 git add a 將變動檔案,提交到index 5 git commit m 將 暫存區 檔案,加入到版本控制中。6 git checkout master 7...
Git 學習筆記
顯示版本庫.git所在的目錄 git rev parse git dir 顯示工作區的根目錄 git rev parse show toplevel 相對於工作區根目錄的相對目錄 git rev parse show prefix git config 命令各引數的區別 git config e 版...