解壓後/configure && make && sudo make install
解壓後,cd protoc-gen-lua-master/protobuf
gcc -o3 -shared -fpic pb.c `/usr/bin/pkg-config --cflags lua5.1` -std=gnu99 `/usr/bin/pkg-config --libs lua5.1` -o
package lua5.1 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
perhaps you should add the directory containing `lua5.1.pc'
to the pkg_config_path environment variable
no package 'lua5.1' found
package lua5.1 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
perhaps you should add the directory containing `lua5.1.pc'
to the pkg_config_path environment variable
no package 'lua5.1' found
pb.c:440:30: error: array type has incomplete element type
static const struct lual_reg _pb = {
^pb.c:456:30: error: array type has incomplete element type
static const struct lual_reg _c_iostring_m = {
^pb.c: in function 『luaopen_pb』:
pb.c:470:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 『lual_register』 [-wimplicit-function-declaration]
lual_register(l, null, _c_iostring_m);
^make: *** [] error 1
gcc -o3 -shared -fpic pb.c `pkg-config -i/usr/include --cflags lua5.1` -std=gnu99 `pkg-config --libs lua5.1` -o
-i/usr/include: unknown option
pb.c:440:30: error: array type has incomplete element type
static const struct lual_reg _pb = {
^pb.c:456:30: error: array type has incomplete element type
static const struct lual_reg _c_iostring_m = {
^pb.c: in function 『luaopen_pb』:
pb.c:470:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 『lual_register』 [-wimplicit-function-declaration]
lual_register(l, null, _c_iostring_m);
^make: *** [] error 1
經搜尋發現,在pb.c檔案中需要增加乙個巨集定義:#define lual_reg lual_reg。這樣就能成功編譯出pbc.so檔案。接下去就可以使用pbc.so檔案。 安裝Docker(yum安裝)
確定你是centos7及以上版本 root 192 desktop cat etc redhat release centos linux release 7.2.1511 core 3.yum安裝gcc相關 yum y install gcc yum y install gcc c 4.解除安裝舊...
安裝 python python安裝
pyenv 多版本管理工具 1.linux安裝pyenv方式 git 安裝 1 安裝git yum install git y 2 安裝python編譯依賴 yum y install gcc make patch gdbm devel openssl devel sqlite devel read...
2 使用命令列 cmd 進入mysql的bin目錄下,初始化資料庫,執行mysqld initialize console console 表示在控制台輸出,不新增則不展示下面那些資訊 最後一行root localhost 後的hd ed4j s 就是臨時密碼,登入時會使用 注意 1 data目錄要...