基於C 的psf2otf實現

2021-08-31 16:03:54 字數 1520 閱讀 2572





mat psf2otf(mat psf, size size)

; mat complexi;


merge(planes, 2, complexi);


dft(complexi, complexi);


otf = complexi;


return otf(range(0, size.height), range(0, size.width));



[psf, psfsize, outsize] = parseinputs(varargin);

if ~all(psf(:)==0),

% pad the psf to outsize

padsize = outsize - psfsize;

psf = padarray(psf, padsize, 'post');

% circularly shift otf so that the "center" of the psf is at the

% (1,1) element of the array.

psf = circshift(psf,-floor(psfsize/2));

% compute the otf

otf = fftn(psf);

% estimate the rough number of operations involved in the

% computation of the fft.

nelem = prod(psfsize);

nops = 0;

for k=1:ndims(psf)

nffts = nelem/psfsize(k);

nops = nops + psfsize(k)*log2(psfsize(k))*nffts;

end% discard the imaginary part of the psf if it's within roundoff error.

if max(abs(imag(otf(:))))/max(abs(otf(:))) <= nops*eps

otf = real(otf);


otf = zeros(outsize);


opencv中傅利葉變換輸出有兩種格式 全複數輸出(full-complex output,占用兩個矩陣大小)和複數共軛對稱壓縮輸出(complex conjugate symmetric (ccs) packed output,乙個矩陣大小) 。

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