多庫SQL union 查詢

2021-08-31 14:58:23 字數 1234 閱讀 4111

select protype 型別,sum(procount) 數量 from

(select trim('未解決數量') protype,count(distinct t1.c1) procount from t1

where t1.c809000021<>'已關閉'

and t1.c700000006>

and t1.c700000006<

and t1.c809000012=''

and t1.c809000021='已關閉'

and t1.c809000001 is not null--類別


select trim('未解決數量') protype,count(distinct t2.c1) procount from t2

where t2.c700000010<>'已關閉'

and t2.c700000006>

and t2.c700000006<

and t2.c811020016=''

and t2.c700000010='已關閉'

and t2.c811020001 is not null--類別

)group by protype

union all

select protype 型別,sum(procount) 數量 from

(select trim('已解決數量') protype,count(distinct t3.c1) procount from t3

where t3.c809000021='已關閉'

and t3.c700000006>

and t3.c700000006<

and t3.c809000012=''

and t3.c809000021='已關閉'

and t3.c809000001 is not null--類別


select trim('已解決數量') protype,count(distinct t4.c1) procount from t4

where t4.c700000010='已關閉'

and t4.c700000006>

and t4.c700000006<

and t4.c811020016=''

and t4.c700000010='已關閉'

and t4.c811020001 is not null--類別

)group by protype

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