#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import jieba
excludes =
txt = open("threekingdom.txt", "rb").read()
words = jieba.lcut(txt)
counts = {}
for word in words:
if len(word) == 1:
elif word == "諸葛亮" or word == "孔明曰":
rword = "孔明"
elif word == "關公" or word == "雲長":
rword = "關羽"
elif word == "玄德" or word == "玄德曰":
rword = "劉備"
elif word == "孟德" or word == "丞相":
rword = "曹操"
rword = word
counts[rword] = counts.get(rword,0) + 1
for word in excludes:
items = list(counts.items())
items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=true)
for i in range(55):
word, count = items[i]
print ("".format(word, count))
threekingdom.txt kingdom.py
kou@ubuntu:~/python/file_文字處理$ python3 kingdom.py
building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
dumping model to file cache /tmp/jieba.cache
loading model cost 2.446 seconds.
prefix dict has been built succesfully.
曹操 1348
劉備 1144
孔明 865
關羽 557
呂布 322
張飛 300
三國演義人物詞頻統計 1
沒有把長度為1的單詞進行篩選 path c users desktop 三國演義.txt text open path,r encoding utf 8 read 使用結巴的函式對文字進行分詞 words jieba.lcut text 定義字典型別去儲存文字和文字出現的次數 counts for ...
三國演義人物詞頻統計 2
對長度為1的單詞進行篩選 import jieba path c users desktop 三國演義.txt text open path,r encoding utf 8 read 使用結巴的函式對文字進行分詞 words jieba.lcut text 定義字典型別去儲存文字和文字出現的次數 ...
定位目標 在這裡插入 片import requests from bs4 import beautifulsoup f open sanguo.txt w encoding utf 8 檔案儲存在當前資料夾中 headers url page text requests.get url url,he...