乙個變數就是oracle_sid環境變數,兩個檔案是spfile和password file。有了這三個東西,就能完成instance的建立。
三條語句,即create databse和兩條表空間建立語句。有了這三個就能建立出database的三大檔案。
兩個指令碼,即catalog.sql 用來建立資料字典表和動態效能檢視,catproc.sql 用來建立pl/sql所需物件。
step 1: decide on your instance identifier (sid)
step 2: establish the database administrator authentication method
step 3: create the initialization parameter file
step 4: connect to the instance
step 5: create a server parameter file (recommended)
step 6: start the instance
step 7: issue the create database statement
step 8: create additional tablespaces
step 9: run scripts to build data dictionary views
step 10: run scripts to install additional options (optional)
step 11: back up the database.
具體步驟見oracle 10g的官方文件administrator's guide。但是文件的create database語句有點問題,調整後的語句如下:
create database mynewdb
user sys identified by password
user system identified by password
logfile group 1 ('/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/redo01.log') size 100m,
group 2 ('/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/redo02.log') size 100m,
group 3 ('/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/redo03.log') size 100m
maxlogfiles 5
maxlogmembers 5
maxloghistory 1
maxdatafiles 100
maxinstances 1
character set zhs16gbk
national character set al16utf16
datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/system01.dbf' size 325m reuse
extent management local
sysaux datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/sysaux01.dbf' size 325m reuse
default tablespace tbs_1
datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/tbs01.dbf' size 200m reuse
default temporary tablespace tempts1
tempfile '/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/temp01.dbf'
size 20m reuse
undo tablespace undotbs1
datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/mynewdb/undotbs01.dbf'
size 200m reuse autoextend on maxsize unlimited;
oracle資料庫主要有instance和database組成。只要把spfile建立好,instance基本就可以啟動了,剩下就把database的三大檔案 控制檔案 資料檔案 日誌檔案 建立好,最後進行一些善後處理,基本就完成了建立工作。所以我把建立資料庫總結為乙個變數 兩個檔案,三條語句,外加...
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