Matlab基本函式 length函式

2021-08-30 22:10:48 字數 1918 閱讀 7042




y = length(x) 函式計算指定向量或矩陣的長度y。如果引數變數x是向量,則返回其長度;如果引數變數是非空矩陣,則length(x)與max(size(x))等價


>> x = 'youhaidong'x =youhaidong>> y = length(x)y =    10>> x = rand(6,6)x =    0.8147    0.2785    0.9572    0.7922    0.6787    0.7060    0.9058    0.5469    0.4854    0.9595    0.7577    0.0318    0.1270    0.9575    0.8003    0.6557    0.7431    0.2769    0.9134    0.9649    0.1419    0.0357    0.3922    0.0462    0.6324    0.1576    0.4218    0.8491    0.6555    0.0971    0.0975    0.9706    0.9157    0.9340    0.1712    0.8235>> y = length(x)y =     6

>> help length length   length of vector.    length(x) returns the length of vector x.  it is equivalent    to max(size(x)) for non-empty arrays and 0 for empty ones.       see also numel.    overloaded methods:       timer/length       serial/length       daqdevice/length       daqchild/length       distributed/length       codistributed/length       composite/length       gpuarray/length       fints/length       videosource/length       videoinput/length       visa/length       udp/length       tcpip/length       icgroup/length       icdevice/length       i2c/length       gpib/length       bluetooth/length       xregpointer/length       mbcstore/length       guidarray/length       cgrules/length       designdev/length       des_constraints/length       coninputfactor/length       xregcontainer/length       xregmulti/length       xregcovariance/length       xregmonitorplotproperties/length       xregdataset/length       cgtradeoffkeytable/length       dataset/length       categorical/length       tscollection/length    reference page in help browser       doc length


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