:twisted: 1.跨平台
inte***ce iarea: iunknown public inte***ce iarea{}
public class iareaproxy implements iarea{}
arcgis api 提供了兩種訪問物件的方式:
/* point實現了ipoint這個介面,採用向上轉型的方式生成物件 */
ipoint ipoint = new com.esri.arcgis.geometry.point();
/* 直接例項化 */
point cpoint = new point();
ipointproxy proxypoint = new ipointproxy();//錯3.classes
arcobject提供了三種類:abstract classes, classes, and coclasses,abstract classes不可例項化,coclasses也稱comclasses,可以直接例項化,classes不可以直接例項化。
classes 類可以作為coclasses屬性被建立,如下示例**:
iworkspacefactory wf = new shapefileworkspacefactory(); ifeatureworkspace fw = new ifeatureworkspaceproxy(wf.openfromfile("\path\to\data", 0) );
/* create a feature class from featureworkspace. */
ifeatureclass fc = fw.openfeatureclass("featureclass name");
4.methods that take out parameters
關於轉型的問題,arcgis api不允許向子類陣列中傳遞超類型別,即使該陣列已經被轉換為超類型別。 下面是正確的出傳遞方法:igeometry geoarray = ;
tin.interpolateshape(breakline, geoarray, null);
/* cast the first array element as a polyline. this is* the equivalent of calling queryinte***ce on igeometry.*/
ipolyline firstpolyline = new ipolylineproxy(geoarray[0]);
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