
2021-08-30 16:04:04 字數 1898 閱讀 9337

新建database project

新建concatenate class

using system;

using system.data;

using microsoft.sqlserver.server;

using system.data.sqltypes;

using system.io;

using system.text;



format.userdefined, //use clr serialization to serialize the intermediate result

isinvarianttonulls = true, //optimizer property

isinvarianttoduplicates = false, //optimizer property

isinvarianttoorder = false, //optimizer property

maxbytesize = 8000) //maximum size in bytes of persisted value

]public class concatenate : ibinaryserialize


/// accumulate the next value, not if the value is null



public void accumulate(sqlstring value)


/// merge the partially computed aggregate with this aggregate.



public void merge(concatenate other)


/// called at the end of aggregation, to return the results of the aggregation.



public sqlstring terminate()

return new sqlstring(output);

}public void read(binaryreader r)

public void write(binarywriter w)

}編譯 concatenate class


create assembly myagg from 'c:\aggregate.dll'

gocreate aggregate myagg (@input nvarchar(200)) returns nvarchar(max)

external name myagg.concatenate

其中:第乙個、第三個myagg 是程式集名稱




如果註冊失敗或執行前失敗(禁止在 .net framework 中執行使用者**。啟用 "clr enabled" 配置選項 ),先執行以下sql

exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', '1';


goexec sp_configure 'clr enabled', '1'


exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', '1';


drop aggregate myagg



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