1、找出 連續相同的字元個數最少為min的字串
比如:str1="abcdbcebcgh" str2="eabcfbcxbcv" min=2
no1. str1: start 0; end 2; str2: start 1; end 3
the same string: abc
no2. str1: start 4; end 5; str2: start 5; end 6
the same string: bc
no3. str1: start 4; end 5; str2: start 8; end 9
the same string: bc
no4. str1: start 7; end 8; str2: start 5; end 6
the same string: bc
no5. str1: start 7; end 8; str2: start 8; end 9
the same string: bc
public class test
}private static char chars2 = null ;
private static setset = new treeset() ;
public static void result(string str1 , string str2 , int min)}}
public static void find(string str,int begin ,int end)
}class str implements comparable
private int end2 ;
public string getstr()
public void setstr(string str)
public int getbegin1()
public void setbegin1(int begin1)
public int getbegin2()
public void setbegin2(int begin2)
public int getend1()
public void setend1(int end1)
public int getend2()
public void setend2(int end2)
public int compareto(str o) else
}public string tostring()
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