c *entry plist
c parm sndfld 30
c*c move *blanks pgm
c move *blanks lib
c move *blanks fld1 30
c*c movel'dtaq' pgm 10 *dataq's name
c movel'*libl' lib 10 *dataq's lib
c z-add30 len 50 *dataq' lenth
c movelsndfld fld1
c*c call 'qsnddtaq'
c parm pgm
c parm lib
c parm len
c parm fld1
c*c seton lr
h y
ifld ds 30
i 1 3 a4
c*c #star tag
c movel*blanks pgm 10
c movel'dtaq' pgm
c movel'*libl' lib 10
c z-add0 len 50
c z-add-1 wait 50
c move *blanks fld
c*c call 'qrcvdtaq'
c parm pgm
c parm lib
c parm len
c parm fld
c parm wait
c*c move *blanks dsp1 10
c selec
c a4 wheq 'end'
c goto #end
c other
c 'ok!' dsply
c endsl
c goto #star
c #end tag
c seton lr
*************** beginning of data *************************************
c z-add1 i 30
c z-add100 num 30
c z-add0 ttl 50
c i dowlenum
(do while i《=100》
c add i ttl
(ttl = ttl + i)
c add 1 i
(i = i + 1)
c enddo
c ttl dsply
(display ttl)
c seton lr
****************** end of data ****************************************
1。變數應該在d-spec 定義好
2。set on *inlr的作用是檔案復位,變數復位
3。set on *inlr之後應該return
666RPG 計數dp簡單題
lililalala正在玩一種有 n n個回合的回合制rpg遊戲,初始分數為0,第 i i個回合lililalala有如下兩種選擇。a.將分數加上 ai ai b.將分數 1 1 lililalala同樣也很討厭野獸數 666 666,但是他很卻喜歡數字 666 666。他想知道有多少種不同的方案使...
例子1 using system using system.collections.generic using system.text 例子2 using system using system.collections.generic using system.text namespace 介面 c...
Pro C 簡單例子
include exec sql begin declare section char userid 11 hr oracle char std name 10 int std number int dept number exec sql end declare section char temp...