Velocity學習筆記5 VTL模板中的注釋

2021-08-29 03:43:27 字數 1611 閱讀 5279


## this is a single line comment.


this is text that is outside the multi-line comment.

online visitors can see it.

#*thus begins a multi-line comment. online visitors won't

see this text because the velocity templating engine will

ignore it.

*#here is text outside the multi-line comment; it is visible.


this is text that is outside the multi-line comment.

online visitors can see it.

here is text outside the multi-line comment; it is visible.



this text is visible. ## this text is not.

this text is visible.

this text is visible. #* this text, as part of a multi-line comment,

is not visible. this text is not visible; it is also part of the

multi-line comment. this text still not visible. *# this text is outside

the comment, so it is visible.

## this text is not visible.


this text is visible. this text is visible.

this text is visible. this text is outside

the comment, so it is visible.


#**this is a vtl comment block and

may be used to store such information

as the document author and versioning



@version 5


Velocity學習筆記8 逃逸符

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學習筆記 5

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