1. nameerror:嘗試訪問乙個未申明的變數
2. zerodivisionerror:除數為0>>> v
nameerror: name 'v' is not defined
3. syntaxerror:語法錯誤>>> v = 1/0
zerodivisionerror: int division or modulo by zero
4. indexerror:索引超出範圍int int
syntaxerror: invalid syntax (, line 1)
5. keyerror:字典關鍵字不存在list = [2]
>>> list[3]
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in list[3]
indexerror: list index out of range
6. ioerror:輸入輸出錯誤dic =
>>> dic['3']
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in dic['3']
keyerror: '3'
7. attributeerror:訪問未知物件屬性>>> f = open('abc')
ioerror: [errno 2] no such file or directory: 'abc'
8.valueerror:數值錯誤>>> class worker:
def work():
print("i am working")
>>> w = worker()
>>> w.a
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in w.a
attributeerror: 'worker' object has no attribute 'a'
9. typeerror:型別錯誤>>> int('d')
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in int('d')
valueerror: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'd'
10. assertionerror:斷言錯誤>>> istr = '22'
>>> ival = 22
>>> obj = istr + ival;
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in obj = istr + ival;
typeerror: can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
11.memoryerror:記憶體耗盡異常>>> assert 1 != 1
traceback (most recent call last):
file "", line 1, in assert 1 != 1
12. notimplementederror:方法沒實現引起的異常
13. lookuperror:鍵、值不存在引發的異常class base(object):
def __init__(self):
def action(self):
raise notimplementederror
lookuperror異常是indexerror、keyerror的基類, 如果你不確定資料型別是字典還是列表時,可以用lookuperror捕獲此異常
14. standarderror 標準異常
除stopiteration, generatorexit, keyboardinterrupt 和systemexit外,其他異常都是standarerror的子類。
python異常類 python 異常型別
1 nameerror 嘗試訪問乙個未申明的變數 v nameerror name v is not defined 2 zerodivisionerror 除數為0 v 1 0 zerodivisionerror int division or modulo by zero 3 syntaxerr...
python列表型別如何 python列表型別
列表型別 一 列表 list 如果現在有乙個需求,我們需要儲存乙個人的愛好,用前面說的資料型別儲存,毫無疑問只能用字串儲存,並且乙個人的愛好可能是很多個,那麼我們可以用空格將讓他們分開。hobbies read run girl print hobbies 輸出 read run girl 我們一直...
try some functions.except exception,e print e try some functions.except exception as e print e 注意這裡exception,e變成了exception as e 1.nameerror 嘗試訪問乙個未申明的...