有乙個表t,有兩個欄位a、b,我們想在表t中做insert/update,如果條件滿足,則更新t中b的值,否則在t中插入一條記錄。在microsoft的sql語法中,很簡單的一句判斷就可以了,sql server中的語法如下:
但是很明顯這個語法對於sql只能更改一條語句,並且oracle不能使用.所以就有了merge into(oracle 9i引入的功能)語法 :if exists(select 1 from t where t.a ='1001' )
update t set t.b=2 where t.a = '1001'
insert into t(a,b) values('1001',2);
"在乙個同時存在insert和update語法的merge語句中,總共insert/update的記錄數,就是using語句中"源表"的記錄數"。源表b可能是一張表結構不同於a的表,有可能是一張構建相同表結構的臨時表,也有可能是我們自己組起來的資料.merge into 目標表 a
using 源表 b
on(a.條件欄位1=b.條件欄位1 and a.條件欄位2=b.條件欄位2 ……)
when matched then update set a.更新字段=b.欄位
when not macthed then insert into a(欄位1,欄位2……)values(值1,值2……)
merge 的其他功能mergeinto t t1
using (select '1001' as a,2 as b from dual) t2
on ( t1.a = t2.a)
when matched then
update set t1.b = t2.b
when not matched then
insert (a,b) values(t2.a,t2.b);
此時merge操作完成後,將所變動的語句進行輸出:select * from targettable
select * from sourcetable
merge into targettable as t
using sourcetable as s
on t.id = s.id
when matched ---當上面的on後面的t.id=s.id時,目標表中的id為1,2的資料被更新
then not matched --目標表中沒有的id,在原來表有,則插入相關資料
then insert values(s.id,s.[desc])
when not matched by source --目標表中存在,原表中不存在則刪除
then delete
output $action as [action],inserted.id as 插入的id,
inserted.[desc] as 插入的desc,
deleted.id as 刪除的id,
deleted.[desc] as 刪除的desc;
merge into targettable as t
using sourcetable as s
on t.id = s.id
then not matched --目標表中沒有的id,在原來表有,則插入相關資料
then insert values(s.id,s.[desc])
output $action as [action],inserted.id as 插入的id,
inserted.[desc] as 插入的desc,
deleted.id as 刪除的id,
deleted.[desc] as 刪除的desc;
merge top(2) targettable as t
using sourcetable as s
on t.id = s.id
when matched ---當上面的on後面的t.id=s.id時,目標表中的id為1,2的資料被更新
then not matched --目標表中沒有的id,在原來表有,則插入相關資料
then insert values(s.id,s.[desc])
when not matched by source --目標表中存在,原表中不存在則刪除
then delete
output $action as [action],inserted.id as 插入的id,
inserted.[desc] as 插入的desc,
deleted.id as 刪除的id,
deleted.[desc] as 刪除的desc;
merge into targettable as t
using sourcetable as s
on t.id = s.id
then not matched and s.id = 3 --加入了id=3的限制條件
then insert values(s.id,s.[desc])
output $action as [action],inserted.id as 插入的id,
inserted.[desc] as 插入的desc,
deleted.id as 刪除的id,
deleted.[desc] as 刪除的desc;
如何將批處理做成類流處理 merge into
例如 隨著人工智慧的不斷發展,機器學習這門技術也越來越重要,很多人都開啟了學習機器學習,本文就介紹了機器學習的基礎內容。需要在前端頁面上設計成實時的資料,但是沒有flink,所以只能把批處理做成類流處理 更新存在的 update employe as em set salary select sal...
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