
2021-08-27 18:09:06 字數 2542 閱讀 7458


public class logger 

public static synchronized void v(string format, object... args) else}}

/*** 級別最低,用於輸出任意對除錯或者開發過程中有幫助的資訊,

** @param format the format string (see )

* @param args the list of arguments passed to the formatter. if there are

* more arguments than required by ,

* additional arguments are ignored.

*/public static synchronized void v(throwable throwable, string format, object... args) else}}

public static synchronized void d(string format, object... args) else}}

/*** 除錯級別, 比verbose高,用於輸出除錯資訊

** @param format the format string (see )

* @param args the list of arguments passed to the formatter. if there are

* more arguments than required by ,

* additional arguments are ignored.

*/public static synchronized void d(throwable throwable, string format, object... args) else}}

/*** 用於輸出比較重要的資訊,系統預設的級別,

** @param format the format string (see )

* @param args the list of arguments passed to the formatter. if there are

* more arguments than required by ,

* additional arguments are ignored.

*/public static void i(string format, object... args)

public static void i(throwable throwable, string format, object... args)

public static void w(string format, object... args)

public static void w(throwable throwable, string format, object... args)

public static void e(string format, object... args)

public static void e(throwable throwable, string format, object... args)

public string formatjson(string json)

private static string get******stacktrace()

public static string getmoredetailstacktrace()

return builder.tostring();

}private static string buildprivatemessage(throwable throwable, string format, object... args) catch (exception e)


if(throwable != null)

return mmessagebuffer.tostring();

}public static string isnull(object o)

public static string tostringob(object o)

private static boolean isenabledebug()


return true;

}private static void log(int level, string mes)else


}private static void println(int level,string mes)


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