STL演算法 Algorithms 極值

2021-08-27 07:01:01 字數 1895 閱讀 3210

stl演算法(algorithms):極值 1、


原型:template const t& min ( const t& a, const t& b );


const t& min ( const t& a, const t& b, compare comp );

示例:// min example



using namespace std;

int main () 2、


原型:template const t& max ( const t& a, const t& b );


const t& max ( const t& a, const t& b, compare comp );

示例:// max example



using namespace std;

int main () 3、


原型:// min_element/max_element



using namespace std;

bool myfn(int i, int j) ; cout << "the 3! possible permutations with 3 elements:\n"; sort (myints,myints+3); do while ( next_permutation (myints,myints+3) ); return 0;}



template bool prev_permutation (bidirectionaliterator first,                         bidirectionaliterator last );template bool prev_permutation (bidirectionaliterator first,                         bidirectionaliterator last, compare comp);

// prev_permutation#include #include using namespace std;int main () ;  cout << "the 3! possible permutations with 3 elements:\n";  sort (myints,myints+3);  reverse (myints,myints+3);  do  while ( prev_permutation (myints,myints+3) );  return 0;}


原型:template bool lexicographical_compare ( inputiterator1 first1, inputiterator1 last1,

inputiterator2 first2, inputiterator2 last2 );
bool lexicographical_compare ( inputiterator1 first1, inputiterator1 last1,
inputiterator2 first2, inputiterator2 last2,
compare comp );

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Algorithms 最大子串行和

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