今天 安裝新資料庫 mysql-5.5.16 結果忘記配置乙個目錄,導致mysql啟動失敗
111108 16:19:54 mysqld_safe starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/soft/mysql/data
/opt/soft/mysql/bin/mysqld: file '/opt/soft/mysql/binlog/mysql-bin.index' not found (errcode: 2)
111108 16:19:54 [error] aborting
111108 16:19:54 [note] /opt/soft/mysql/bin/mysqld: shutdown complete
111108 16:19:54 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/soft/mysql/601.localdomain.pid ended
111108 16:25:54 mysqld_safe starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/soft/mysql/data
/opt/soft/mysql/bin/mysqld: table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
111108 16:25:54 [error] can't open the mysql.plugin table. please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
111108 16:25:54 innodb: the innodb memory heap is disabled
111108 16:25:54 innodb: mutexes and rw_locks use gcc atomic builtins
111108 16:25:54 innodb: compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
111108 16:25:54 innodb: initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0m
111108 16:25:54 innodb: completed initialization of buffer pool
111108 16:25:54 innodb: log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be created
innodb: setting log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile0 size to 512 mb
innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...
innodb: progress in mb: 100 200 300 400 500
111108 16:25:58 innodb: log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be created
innodb: setting log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile1 size to 512 mb
innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...
innodb: progress in mb: 100 200 300 400 500
111108 16:26:00 innodb: log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile2 did not exist: new to be created
innodb: setting log file /opt/soft/mysql/log/ib_logfile2 size to 512 mb
innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...
innodb: progress in mb: 100 200 300 400 500
111108 16:26:01 innodb: cannot initialize created log files because
111108 16:26:01 innodb: data files are corrupt, or new data files were
111108 16:26:01 innodb: created when the database was started previous
111108 16:26:01 innodb: time but the database was not shut down
111108 16:26:01 innodb: normally after that.
111108 16:26:01 [error] plugin 'innodb' init function returned error.
111108 16:26:01 [error] plugin 'innodb' registration as a storage engine failed.
111108 16:26:01 [error] unknown/unsupported storage engine: innodb
111108 16:26:01 [error] aborting
111108 16:26:01 [note] /opt/soft/mysql/bin/mysqld: shutdown complete
111108 16:26:01 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/soft/mysql/601.localdomain.pid ended
後來才想起來,要將 innodb的log檔案和表空間檔案刪除才行
mysql啟動失敗 MySQL 啟動失敗的常見原因
mysql 啟動失敗的最常見的原因有兩類,分別是無法訪問系統資源和引數設定錯誤造成的,下面分別分析如下。一 無法訪問系統資源 mysql 不能訪問啟動需要的資源是造成而 mysql 無法啟動的乙個常見原因,如 檔案,埠等。由於 linux 中用於啟動 mysqld 程序的 mysql 使用者通常是不...
本地啟動mysql服務 找不到系統檔案 錯誤2 這是因為登錄檔中的路徑沒有修改。修改的步驟如下 win r regedit hkey local machine system currentcontrolset services mysql 服務名 imagepath 右鍵修改,將第乙個路徑修改為m...
解決方案 1.刪除自己手動建立的data資料夾 2.管理員許可權cmd的bin目錄下,移除已錯誤安裝的mysqld服務 mysqld remove mysql 出現刪除成功!3.在cmd的bin目錄下執行mysqld initialize insecure 會發現程式在mysql的根目錄下自動建立了...