sqoop自動增量匯入 報錯

2021-08-22 10:36:01 字數 2322 閱讀 8716


[admin@hadoop102 sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha]$ bin/sqoop import \

> --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoop102:3306/company \

> --user root \

> --password root \

> --table staff \

> --target-dir /user/company \

> --delete-target-dir \

> --fields-terminated-by "\t"

warning: /opt/module/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/bin/../../hbase does not exist! hbase imports will fail.

please set $hbase_home to the root of your hbase installation.

warning: /opt/module/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/bin/../../hcatalog does not exist! hcatalog jobs will fail.

please set $hcat_home to the root of your hcatalog installation.

warning: /opt/module/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/bin/../../accumulo does not exist! accumulo imports will fail.

please set $accumulo_home to the root of your accumulo installation.

18/08/07 22:12:04 info sqoop.sqoop: running sqoop version: 1.4.6

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: error parsing arguments for import:

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --user

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: root

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --password

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: root

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --table

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: staff

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --target-dir

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: /user/company

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --delete-target-dir

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: 1

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --fields-terminated-by

18/08/07 22:12:04 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: \t

try --help for usage instructions.

其實,我們可以一眼就看出來報錯的資訊是在 import 上面,出錯的原因,就是因為引數輸入錯誤。漏掉了– import。正確的**輸入是這樣子的。

sqoop 增量匯入

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