梯度下降 隨機梯度下降和批量梯度下降

2021-08-21 23:36:58 字數 4815 閱讀 2132




#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import random

#this is a sample to simulate a function y = theta1*x1 + theta2*x2

input_x = [[1,4], [2,5], [5,1], [4,2]]

y = [19,26,19,20]

theta = [1,1]

loss = 10

step_size = 0.001

eps =0.0001

max_iters = 10000

error =0

iter_count = 0

while( loss > eps and iter_count < max_iters):

loss = 0


for i in range (3):

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

theta[0] = theta[0] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][0]

theta[1] = theta[1] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][1]

for i in range (3):

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

error = 0.5*(pred_y - y[i])**2

loss = loss + error

iter_count += 1

print 'iters_count', iter_count

print 'theta: ',theta

print 'final loss: ', loss

print 'iters: ', iter_count

iters_count 219

iters_count 220

iters_count 221

iters_count 222

iters_count 223

iters_count 224

iters_count 225

theta: [3.0027765778748003, 3.997918297015663]

final loss: 9.68238055213e-05

iters: 225

[finished in 0.2s]



#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import random

#this is a sample to simulate a function y = theta1*x1 + theta2*x2

input_x = [[1,4], [2,5], [5,1], [4,2]]

y = [19,26,19,20]

theta = [1,1]

loss = 10

step_size = 0.001

eps =0.0001

max_iters = 10000

error =0

iter_count = 0

while( loss > eps and iter_count < max_iters):

loss = 0


i = random.randint(0,3)

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

theta[0] = theta[0] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][0]

theta[1] = theta[1] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][1]

for i in range (3):

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

error = 0.5*(pred_y - y[i])**2

loss = loss + error

iter_count += 1

print 'iters_count', iter_count

print 'theta: ',theta

print 'final loss: ', loss

print 'iters: ', iter_count


iters_count 1226

iters_count 1227

iters_count 1228

iters_count 1229

iters_count 1230

iters_count 1231

iters_count 1232

theta: [3.002441488688225, 3.9975844154600226]

final loss: 9.989420302e-05

iters: 1232

[finished in 0.3s]



#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import random

#this is a sample to simulate a function y = theta1*x1 + theta2*x2

input_x = [[1,4], [2,5], [5,1], [4,2]]

y = [19,26,19,20]

theta = [1,1]

loss = 10

step_size = 0.001

eps =0.0001

max_iters = 10000

error =0

iter_count = 0

while( loss > eps and iter_count < max_iters):

loss = 0

i = random.randint(0,3) #注意這裡,我這裡批量每次選取的是2個樣本點做更新,另乙個點是隨機點+1的相鄰點

j = (i+1)%4

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

theta[0] = theta[0] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][0]

theta[1] = theta[1] - step_size * (pred_y - y[i]) * input_x[i][1]

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[j][0]+theta[1]*input_x[j][1]

theta[0] = theta[0] - step_size * (pred_y - y[j]) * input_x[j][0]

theta[1] = theta[1] - step_size * (pred_y - y[j]) * input_x[j][1]

for i in range (3):

pred_y = theta[0]*input_x[i][0]+theta[1]*input_x[i][1]

error = 0.5*(pred_y - y[i])**2

loss = loss + error

iter_count += 1

print 'iters_count', iter_count

print 'theta: ',theta

print 'final loss: ', loss

print 'iters: ', iter_count



iters_count 543

iters_count 544

iters_count 545

iters_count 546

iters_count 547

iters_count 548

iters_count 549

theta: [3.0023012574840764, 3.997553282857357]

final loss: 9.81717138358e-05

iters: 549




在機器學習領域中,梯度下降的方式有三種,分別是 批量梯度下降法bgd 隨機梯度下降法sgd 小批量梯度下降法mbgd,並且都有不同的優缺點。下面我們以線性回歸演算法 也可以是別的演算法,只是損失函式 目標函式 不同而已,它們的導數的不同,做法是一模一樣的 為例子來對三種梯度下降法進行比較。假設 特徵...

梯度下降 隨機梯度下降 批梯度下降

下面的h x 是要擬合的函式,j 損失函式,theta是引數,要迭代求解的值,theta求解出來了那最終要擬合的函式h 就出來了。其中m是訓練集的記錄條數,j是引數的個數。梯度下降法流程 1 先對 隨機賦值,可以是乙個全零的向量。2 改變 的值,使j 按梯度下降的方向減少。以上式為例 1 對於我們的...

stanford 梯度 梯度下降,隨機梯度下降

一 梯度gradient 在標量場f中的一點處存在乙個向量g,該向量方向為f在該點處變化率最大的方向,其模也等於這個最大變化率的數值,則向量g稱為標量場f的梯度。在向量微積分中,標量場的梯度是乙個向量場。標量場中某一點上的梯度指向標量場增長最快的方向,梯度的長度是這個最大的變化率。更嚴格的說,從歐氏...