redis使用connection pool來管理對乙個redis server 的所有連線,避免每次建立,釋放連線的開銷,預設,每個redis例項都會維護乙個自己的連線池。可以直接建立乙個連線池,然後作為引數redis,這樣就可以實現多個redis例項共享乙個連線池。
2.redis的簡單使用import redis
#host is the redis host,the redis server and client are required to open, and the redis default port is 6379
pool = redis.connectionpool(host='', password = '***xx', port=6379, db=3)
print("connected success.")
print("could not connect to redis.")
r = redis.redis(connection_pool=pool)
import redis
import re
#host is the redis host,the redis server and client are required to open, and the redis default port is 6379
pool = redis.connectionpool(host='', password = '***xx', port=6379, db=3)
print("connected success.")
print("could not connect to redis.")
r = redis.redis(connection_pool=pool)
list = '300033,600066'
r.set('stock_codes', list)
list = str(r.get('stock_codes'))
list = re.findall(r"'(.+?)'", list)
list = "".join(list) #atypical list -> str
list = list.replace(' ','') #remove all spaces in str
list = list.split(",") #str -> normal list
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