/** * created by phpstorm.
* user: lenovo
* date: 2016/5/30
* time: 12:48
*/class dxw56sms
return true;}}
3.現在的簡訊必須加上簽名,如果您想修改自己**的簽名,檔名:keke_auth_mobile_class.php 目錄:\lang\cn\public,也可以修改一下傳送的簡訊內容.如圖<?php
require (dirname(__file__) . directory_separator . 'dxw56sms.php');
class keke_msg_class
function basic_init()
function config_init($k)
function setuid($uid)
function setusername($username)
function settitle($title)
function settype($type)
function setemail($email)
function setvalue($key, $value)
function setmobile($str_mobile)
function validate($k) else
} }function send()
if (! $this->validate ( $this->_k ))
$this->pregmessage ( $this->_k );
$sum = array_sum ( $this->_v );
switch ($sum)
$this->_key = array ();
} private function getmessagetpl()
return $tpl;
} private function pregmessage()
$cont0 = $tpl [0] ['content'];
$cont0 = $this->tpl_format ( $cont0 );
$this->_normal_content = $cont0;
$cont1 = $tpl [0] ['mobile_content'];
$cont1 = $this->tpl_format ( $cont1 );
$this->_mobile_content = $cont1;
} private function tpl_format($content) ', $this->_username, $content );
$this->_uid and $cont = str_replace ( '', $this->_uid, $cont );
$this->_sitename and $cont = str_replace ( '', $this->_sitename, $cont );
foreach ( $this->_key as $k2 => $v2 ) ', $v2, $cont );
} return $cont;
} private function sendmessage()
public function sendmail()
if (! $this->_email)
$this->_basicconfig and $basicconfig = $this->_basicconfig or $basicconfig = kekezu::get_config ( 'basic' );
if ($basicconfig ['mail_server_cat'] == 'mail') \nreply-to:\nx-mailer: php/" . phpversion () . "\ncontent-type:text/html";
mail ( $this->_email, $this->_title, htmlspecialchars_decode($this->_normal_content), $hearer );
}} else if ($basicconfig ['smtp_url'] && $basicconfig ['mail_server_port'] && $basicconfig ['post_account'] && $basicconfig ['account_pwd'] && $basicconfig ['website_name'])
} public function send_phone_sms( $mobiles = '', $tar_content = '')
$res = db_factory::query('select * from ' . tablepre . 'witkey_basic_config where type="mobile"');
if (empty($res))
$res = $this->getuserinfo($res);
if (empty($res))
!$mobiles and $mobiles = $this->_mobile;
!$tar_content and $tar_content = $this->_mobile_content;
$tar_content = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($tar_content));
return dxw56sms::sendsms($res['username'], $res['password'], $mobiles, $tar_content);
} private function getuserinfo($res)
else if ('mobile_password' == $item['k']) else
} if (!isset($retarr['username']) || !isset($retarr['password']))
return $retarr;
} public function send_message($uid, $username, $action, $title, $v_arr = array(), $email = null, $mobile = null,$type=null)
$this->settitle ( $title );
$this->send ();
} }public static function send_private_message($title, $tar_content, $to_uid, $to_username, $url = '', $output = 'normal')
$msg_obj = new keke_witkey_msg_class ();
$msg_obj->_msg_id = null;
$msg_obj->setuid ( $uid );
$msg_obj->setusername ( $username );
$msg_obj->settitle ( $title );
$msg_obj->setto_uid ( $to_uid );
$msg_obj->setto_username ( $to_username );
$msg_obj->setcontent ( $tar_content );
$msg_obj->seton_time ( time () );
return $msg_obj->create_keke_witkey_msg ();
} public static function notify_user($uid, $username, $action, $title, $v_arr = array(),$type=null)
public static function get_contact($uid)
4.全域性配置 -> 簡訊介面,開啟並添寫簡訊介面使用者名稱,密碼,如圖
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