java基於redis實現高併發 搶購例項

2021-08-17 18:29:13 字數 3356 閱讀 8001




log log = logfactory.getlog(getclass());


private redistemplateredistemplate;


public void testsys() throws exception



private msservice service;

private redistemplateredistemplate;

private string key;

public threadb(msservice service,redistemplateredistemplate,string key)


public void run() catch (interruptedexception e) catch (exception e)



log log = logfactory.getlog(getclass());


* 搶購**

* @param redistemplate

* @param key pronum 首先用客戶端設定數量

* @return

* @throws interruptedexception

*/public boolean seckill(redistemplateredistemplate, string key) throws exception else"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++參加了搶購");

return true;

} } catch (interruptedexception e) finally

return false;



public class redislock 

/*** detailed constructor with default lock expiration of 60000 msecs.**/

public redislock(redistemplateredistemplate, string lockkey, int timeoutmsecs)

/*** detailed constructor.**/

public redislock(redistemplateredistemplate, string lockkey, int timeoutmsecs, int expiremsecs)

/*** @return lock key

*/public string getlockkey()

public string get(final string key)

return serializer.deserialize(data);


} catch (exception e) ", key);

}return obj != null ? obj.tostring() : null;

}public string set(final string key,final string value)

});} catch (exception e) ", key);

}return obj != null ? obj.tostring() : null;

}public boolean setnx(final string key, final string value)

});} catch (exception e) ", key);

}return obj != null ? (boolean) obj : false;

}private string getset(final string key, final string value)

});} catch (exception e) ", key);

}return obj != null ? (string) obj : null;


* 獲得 lock. 實現思路: 主要是使用了redis 的setnx命令,快取了鎖. reids快取的key是鎖的key,所有的共享,

* value是鎖的到期時間(注意:這裡把過期時間放在value了,沒有時間上設定其超時時間) 執行過程:

* 1.通過setnx嘗試設定某個key的值,成功(當前沒有這個鎖)則返回,成功獲得鎖

* 2.鎖已經存在則獲取鎖的到期時間,和當前時間比較,超時的話,則設定新的值

** @return true if lock is acquired, false acquire timeouted

* @throws interruptedexception

* in case of thread interruption

*/public synchronized boolean lock() throws interruptedexception

string currentvaluestr = this.get(lockkey); // redis裡的時間

if (currentvaluestr != null && long.parselong(currentvaluestr) < system.currenttimemillis())

}timeout -= default_acquiry_resolution_millis;

/** 延遲100 毫秒, 這裡使用隨機時間可能會好一點,可以防止飢餓程序的出現,即,當同時到達多個程序,

* 只會有乙個程序獲得鎖,其他的都用同樣的頻率進行嘗試,後面有來了一些進行,也以同樣的頻率申請鎖,這將可能導致前面來的鎖得不到滿足.

* 使用隨機的等待時間可以一定程度上保證公平性


}return false;


* acqurired lock release.

*/public synchronized void unlock()



java 基於redis實現分布式鎖



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