import sys
import re
def get_file():
#get the file to operate
f = open(r"k:\_\python\pi.txt", "r")
lines = f.read()
return lines
def judge_birthday(number):
#judge the format of birthday is righy or not
dir_birthday =
if len(number) < 8:
number = '19' + number
year = int(number[:4])
mouth = int(number[4:6])
day = int(number[6:])
if (year > 2000) or (year < 1900):
return false
if (mouth > 12) or (mouth < 1):
return false
day_correct = dir_birthday[number[4:6]]
if (year % 400 == 0) or (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0):
day_correct += 1
if (day < 1) or (day > day_correct):
return false
return true
def search_in_pu(number, lines):
#search the number of birthday in the pi file
length = len(re.findall(number, lines))
if length < 1:
print("not found!")
print(number + ": " + str(length))
if __name__ == "__main__":
lines = get_file()
print("enter the year that you want to search: ")
number = input()
flag = judge_birthday(number)
if flag:
search_in_pu(number, lines)
print("the format of your birthday is not correct!")
pi是乙個小數點後很多的數,以下給出檢視自己的生日是否在pi中的例項 filename pi million digits.txt with open filename as file object lines file object.readlines pi string forline inli...
怎樣在目錄中尋找檔案 下面的 說明了怎樣在乙個給定的目錄中從上到下地搜尋整個目錄樹.本例子只將結果輸出到system debug screen.呼叫下面的類函式,搜尋完成之後,將出現乙個資訊框.void ctestview onsearch 函式 searchdirectory 在函式 onsear...
計算pi的近似值公式法 利用python計算圓周率
圓周率沒有精確的計算公式,所以只能用近似的方式計算它的近似值。我們運用蒙特卡羅方法,思路很簡單,在下面圖形中隨機拋置大量的點,計算落在1 4圓內的點的數量。為了得到pi值,由思路,我們知道需要引用random math以及time資料庫,具體 如下 pi.py from random import ...