Oracle DML 基礎查詢

2021-08-13 02:49:48 字數 2823 閱讀 8630




conn scott/tiger;


set linesize 120;


set pagesize 20;


select * from tab;


desc dept;

desc emp;

desc bonus;

desc salgrade;

/*查詢scott中表的全部記錄 *:意為所有 */

select * from dept;

select * from emp;

select * from bonus;

select * from salgrade;

select deptno,dname,loc from dept;

select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno from emp;

select ename,job,sal,comm from bonus;

select grade,losal,hisal from salgrade;


select job from emp;

select distinct job from emp;

/*定義別名: as 《別名》*/

select empno,ename,sal*12 as saltotal from emp;




謂詞範圍:in、not in

空判斷:is null、is not null


限定查詢: select [distinct] 《列名稱》[,《列名稱》]... from 《表名稱》 [[as] 《別名》] [where 《過濾條件》]


select * from emp where ename ='king';


select * from emp where sal > 1000;


select * from emp where sal >= 1000 and sal <=1500;


select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 1500;


select * from emp where sal < 1000 or sal >1500;


select * from emp where sal not between 100 and 1500;


1981-01-01 :'01-1月 -81'

1981-12-31 :'31-12月 -81'

*/select * from emp where hiredate between '01-1月 -81' and '31-12月 -81';




*/select * from emp where comm is not null;

select * from emp where comm is null;



*/select * from emp where empno in (7369,7566,7900);

select * from emp where empno not in (7369,7566,7900);


select * from emp where empno in (7369,7566,7900,null);

--null對not in具有影響,不會查到任何記錄

select * from emp where empno not in (7369,7566,7900,null);





select * from emp where ename like '__l%';


select * from emp where ename like '%l%';

/* 針對於指定的列內容實現排序:order by 《列名稱》[,《列名稱》]... [asc | desc] [<,列名稱》[,《列名稱》]... [asc | desc]]...


優先順序:from子句 > where子句 > select子句 > order by子句


select * from emp order by deptno asc,sal desc;

Oracle DML對於索引維護的影響

在oltp高併發 insert環境中,遞增列 時間,使用序列的主鍵列 的索引很容易引起索引熱點塊爭用。遞增列的索引會一直不斷的往索引 最右邊 的葉子塊插入最新資料 因為索引預設公升序排序 在高併發insert的時候,一次只能由乙個session進行insert,其餘session會處於等待狀態,這樣...

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