
2021-08-10 05:12:31 字數 2569 閱讀 1642


sws_st_spb_p 原始資料每天都有數個整點資料:

sws_st_spb_p_copy 這是我們修改後每日的平均值每天只有一條資料:

那麼我所要解決的問題是將sws_st_spb_p 原始資料中需要修改的資料根據修改過後的sws_st_spb_p_copy 中的資料等比例的縮放。

-- 刪除所要修改的原始資料

delete sc from sws_st_spb_p sc


join sws_st_spb_p_copy s

on s.stcd = sc.stcd

and convert(varchar(10), s.tm, 126) = convert(varchar(10), sc.tm, 126)

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

where s.tm >='2017-09-01 00:00:00'

and s.tm < '2017-10-01 00:00:00'

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

-- 增加的字段


table sws_st_spb_p_copy add r1sum decimal,r2sum decimal,r3sum decimal,rcount decimal ;

select * into sws_st_spb_p_copy1 from sws_st_spb_p;

-- 建立臨時表 aaa

select t.mpcd, sum(t.r1) as r1sum,sum(t.r2) as r2sum,sum(t.r3) as r3sum,count(*) rcount, convert(varchar(10), t.tm, 126) as ttime

into aaa from (

select s.mpcd,s.r1,s.r2,s.r3,sc.r1 as c1,sc.r2 as c2,sc.r3 as c3, s.tm as tm from sws_st_spb_p_copy1 s


join sws_st_spb_p_copy sc on s.stcd = sc.stcd

and convert(varchar(10), s.tm, 126) = convert(varchar(10), sc.tm, 126)

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

where s.tm >='2017-09-01 00:00:00'

and s.tm < '2017-10-01 00:00:00'

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

) t


by t.mpcd ,convert(varchar(10), t.tm, 126)

select a.*,s.r1,s.r2 into result from aaa a


join sws_st_spb_p_copy s

on a.mpcd = s.mpcd and a.ttime = s.tm

where s.tm >='2017-09-01 00:00:00'

and s.tm < '2017-10-01 00:00:00'

and s.mpcd = a.mpcd

select t.stcd, t.mpcd,t.r1*(t.c1*rcount)/t.r1sum as r1,t.r2*(t.c2*rcount)/t.r2sum as r2,t.tm

into resultspb from (

select s.stcd, s.mpcd,s.r1,s.r2,s.r3, s.tm as tm,sc.r1 as c1,sc.r2 as c2,sc.r1sum as r1sum,sc.r2sum as r2sum,sc.r3sum as r3sum,sc.rcount as rcount from sws_st_spb_p_copy1 s


join result sc on

convert(varchar(10), s.tm, 126) = convert(varchar(10), sc.ttime, 126)

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

where s.tm >='2017-09-01 00:00:00'

and s.tm <='2017-09-30 23:59:00'

and s.mpcd = sc.mpcd

)t ;

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