lc.loc[(lc[「grade」] == 「b」) & (lc[「loan_amnt」] > 5000)]
2. 單一series賦值給series之前需要轉換資料格式,如int,float,datetime
3. loc,iloc,ix區別
索引某行某列:import pandas as pd
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
index = ['d','e']
df = pd.dataframe(data=data, index=index, columns=columns)
print df.loc['d']
'''a 1
b 2
c 3
iloc通過行號獲取行資料,但是不能通過行標籤索引。import pandas as pd
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
index = ['d','e']
df = pd.dataframe(data=data, index=index, columns=columns)
print df.loc['d',['b','c']]
b 2
c 3
總結 易錯點
題目要求是 結尾,我使用了str 1 str 2 single line containing only marks the end of a test case.題目給的是 f1 1 f2 2 fn fn 1 fn 2 n 3 我卻從f0開始推,並且迴圈跟著從0開始了 題目可能會出現一道腦筋急轉彎...
1 巢狀字典傳給dataframe時,外層字典的鍵作為列,內層鍵作為行索引。pop ohio frame3 pd.dataframe pop frame3 nevada ohio 2000 nan 1.5 2001 2.4 1.7 2002 2.9 3.62 利用標籤的切片運算與普通的python切...
C 易錯點總結
1.下面這段 考察變數的作用域問題。cpp view plain copy include using namespace std void other intmain 答案如下 main 0 10 0 other 4 0 15 main 0 10 8 other 6 4 15 考察點 區域性作用域...