given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0, 1, 2, …, n, find the one that is missing from the array.
for example,
given nums = [0, 1, 3] return 2.
your algorithm should run in linear runtime complexity. could you implement it using only constant extra space complexity?
也可以利用求和公式,算出 0-n的和,然後將陣列求和,做差即可。
class solution
棧的概念 棧是一種特殊的線性表,堆疊的資料元素以及資料元素之間的關係和線性表是完全一樣的。差別是線性表是在任意位置進行插入和刪除操作,棧是只允許在固定的一端進行插入和刪除,棧的插入和刪除只允許在棧頂,棧的插入和刪除通常稱為進棧和出棧。資料集合 每個資料元素的資料型別可以是任意的型別 操作的集合 進棧...
演算法系列 Move Zeroes
given an array nums,write a function to move all 0 s to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non zero elements.for example,given ...
演算法系列 Reverse Integer
reverse digits of an integer.example1 x 123,return 321 example2 x 123,return 321 note the input is assumed to be a 32 bit signed integer.your function...