EXPDP Oracle expdp中並行問題

2021-08-03 15:28:33 字數 1444 閱讀 2580

$expdp hr/hr tables=test1 dumpfile=test2.dmp directory=pumpparallel=4

export: release - production on sat jul 1 05:11:29 2017

connected to: oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

flashback automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.

starting "hr"."sys_export_table_01":  hr/******** tables=test1 dumpfile=test2.dmp directory=pump parallel=4 

estimate in progress using blocks method...

processing object type table_export/table/table_data

total estimation using blocks method: 8.687 gb

processing object type table_export/table/table

ora-39095: dump file space has been exhausted: unable to allocate 8192 bytes

如果設定 expdp parallel=4 必須要設定4個expdp檔案,不然parallel是有問題的,同時expdp會使用乙個worker程序匯出metadata,其他worker程序會同時出資料,如果expdp作業很於250m 只會啟動乙個worker程序如果是500m會啟動2個,1000m及會啟動4個woker程序,一般來說加上%u來設定多個檔案。


expdp system/****  parallel=2 job_name=full_bak_job full=y dumpfile=exptest:back_%u.dmp logfile=exptest:back.log &

impdp system/*** parallel=2 exclude=statistics job_name=full_imp cluster=no full=y dumpfile=test:back_%u.dmp  logfile=test:back_imp.log;

而在11gr2後expdp 和 imdp的worker程序會在多個instance啟動,所以directory必須在共享磁碟上,如果沒有設定共享磁碟還是指定cluster=no 來防止報錯。

EXPDP Oracle expdp中並行問題

expdp hr hr tables test1 dumpfile test2.dmp directory pumpparallel 4 export release production on sat jul 1 05 11 29 2017 connected to orac...


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