作業二 拷貝建構函式

2021-07-28 03:47:49 字數 1843 閱讀 8537

#includeusing namespace std;

class person




return 0;


time limit: 1 sec  

memory limit: 128 mb

submit: 969  

solved: 550 [



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該類具有無參建構函式(人名為「no name」,年齡是0)、帶引數建構函式、拷貝建構函式以及析構函式外,還有以下3個成員函式:

1. void person::showperson():按照指定格式顯示人的資訊。

2. person& person::setname(char *):設定人的姓名。

3. person& person::setage(int):設定人的年齡。



3zhang 20

li 18

zhao 99

a person whose name is "no name" and age is 0 is created!

a person whose name is "tom" and age is 16 is created!

a person whose name is "tom" and age is 16 is cloned!

a person whose name is "zhang" and age is 20 is created!

this person is "zhang" whose age is 20.

a person whose name is "zhang" and age is 20 is erased!

a person whose name is "li" and age is 18 is created!

this person is "li" whose age is 18.

a person whose name is "li" and age is 18 is erased!

a person whose name is "zhao" and age is 99 is created!

this person is "zhao" whose age is 99.

a person whose name is "zhao" and age is 99 is erased!

this person is "zhao" whose age is 18.

this person is "no name" whose age is 0.

a person whose name is "zhao" and age is 18 is erased!

a person whose name is "tom" and age is 16 is erased!

a person whose name is "no name" and age is 0 is erased!



拷貝建構函式,預設拷貝建構函式 1.c 的預設拷貝建構函式,從深度拷貝和淺拷貝說起 c 類的預設拷貝建構函式的弊端 c 類的中有兩個特殊的建構函式,1 無參建構函式,2 拷貝建構函式。它們的特殊之處在於 1 當類中沒有定義任何建構函式時,編譯器會預設提供乙個無參建構函式且其函式體為空 2 當類中沒有...

建構函式 拷貝建構函式

建構函式可以分為三類 1 不帶引數的建構函式 在函式體中對資料成員賦初值,這種方式使該類的每乙個物件都得到同一組初值 2 帶引數的建構函式 如果使用者希望對不同的物件賦不同的初值,可以採用帶引數的建構函式。在呼叫不同物件的建構函式時從外面將不同的資料傳遞給建構函式,以實現初始化 3 複製建構函式 建...

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person person 引用就是指標常量 所以person p person const p,引用所以一旦初始化指向某個位址,就不能在改變了。為什麼前面還要加const,因為拷貝建構函式的目的就是將乙個物件的所有屬性拷貝到另外乙個物件,這個物件的屬性不變,加上const 相當於 const pe...