# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import sys
def start():
print "welcome to the exciting game of \'dice or dies\'!"
print "here, nothings counts but luck."
print "now, let's play!"
print "everyone has %d golds at first." % 100
def dice_rolling():
point = random.randint(1, 6)
print "the point is: ", point
return point
def dice_one(golds):
print "so bad, your golds will be less 40."
golds -=40
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def dice_two(golds):
print "not so lucky, your golds will be less 30."
golds -= 30
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def dice_three(golds):
print "ok, your golds will be less 10."
golds -= 10
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def dice_four(golds):
print "good, your gold will be more 10."
golds += 10
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def dice_five(golds):
print "great, your gold will be more 30."
golds += 30
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def dice_six(golds):
print "so lucky! your golds will be more 50."
golds += 50
print "your golds now are: ", golds
return golds
def decide_rule(point, golds):
if point == 1:
golds = dice_one(golds)
elif point == 2:
golds = dice_two(golds)
elif point == 3:
golds = dice_three(golds)
elif point == 4:
golds = dice_four(golds)
elif point == 5:
golds = dice_five(golds)
golds = dice_six(golds)
return golds
golds = 100
print "第1次投擲:".decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')
number = dice_rolling()
if number == 1:
current_golds = decide_rule(number, golds)
print "you will be out of the game, if your next point is still 1."
print "第2次投擲: ".decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')
number_sec = dice_rolling()
if number_sec == 1:
print "game over!"
current_golds = decide_rule(number_sec, current_golds)
elif number == 6:
current_golds = decide_rule(number, golds)
print "you will win, if your next point is still 6."
print "第2次投擲: ".decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')
number_sec = dice_rolling()
if number_sec == 6:
print "you win!"
current_golds = decide_rule(number_sec, current_golds)
current_golds = decide_rule(number, golds)
print "第2次投擲: ".decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')
number_sec = dice_rolling()
current_golds = decide_rule(number_sec, current_golds)
count_rolling = 3
while count_rolling < 11:
print "第 %d 次投擲: ".decode('utf-8').encode('gbk') % count_rolling
number = dice_rolling()
current_golds = decide_rule(number, current_golds)
if current_golds < 0:
print "game over!"
elif current_golds > 200:
print "you win!"
print "totally, you throwed %d times." % count_rolling
count_rolling += 1
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