select * from student;
select * from subject;
insert into student(stuid,stuname,***,age,address,phone,email)
insert into subject(subid,subname)
insert into student(stu,stuname,***,age,address,phone)
insert into student(stu,stuname,***,age,address,phone)
create table tongxunlu as select stuname,phone from student;
insert into tongxunlu select stuname,phone from student;
update student set email=''
where email is null;
update student set age=age-1,***='女'
where stuname like '張_%';
delete from student where address is null;
delete from student where age>=18 and age<=20;
delete from student where ***='男';
select * from student;
delete from student;
truncate table student;
alter table student
add constraint ck_*** check(***='男' or ***='女');
add constraint ck_*** chexk(*** in('男','女'));
--檢查約束 年齡必須在18~50之間
alter table student
add constraint ck_age check(age>=18 and age<=50);
--檢查約束 郵箱必須包含『@』
alter table student
add constraint ck_email check(email like '_%@_%');
oracle 常用語法筆記
字串處理 substr source,start,length 方法 該方法用於從某個字串的擷取一定長度的子字串,substr source,start,length 第乙個引數是源字串,第二個引數表示從哪個位置開始擷取字串,其中正負號代表方向,正好代表從左到右,負號代表從右到左,數值代表從第幾個字...
mysql常用語法 MySQL常用語法
更新資料 update 表名 set 健名 更改的值 where 建 刪除資料 delete from 表名 where 索引 create index 索引名稱 on 表名 鍵名 建立試圖 create view 檢視名 鍵,鍵 as select matchno,abs won lost fro...
mysql基本常用語法 mysql 常用語法
1.1.開啟 service mysql start 1.2.關閉 service mysql stop 1.3.重啟 service mysql restart 2.1.密碼明文 語法 mysql u使用者名稱 p使用者密碼 舉例 mysql uroot p123456 2.2.密碼密文 語法 m...