== resource&library ==
在setting表裡使用resource匯入檔案,resource檔案語法和testcase語法大部分相同只是沒有test cases表。支援多種檔案格式,為了和testcae區分開,這裡就用txt。新建pub.txt如下:
*** settings ***
[documentation] demo resource
*** variables ***
$ value
@ a b c d
& key1=sf key2=$
*** keywords ***
calculate and check equals
[arguments] $=3+3 $=$
$ evaluate $
log to console expression = $
log to console result = $
should be equal $ $
varargs keyword
[arguments] @
log to console --------
: for $ in @
\ log to console $
kwargs keyword
[arguments] &
log to console --------
: for $ in @
\ log to console $
calculate "$" and check equals "$"
calculate and check equals $ $
匯入library在setting表裡使用library關鍵字。加入一行 「library collections」,引入了庫collections,其提供的關鍵字就可以直接使用了。*** settings ***
resource pub.txt
*** test cases ***
first case
[documentation] variable type
log to console $
log to console $[0]
log to console $
log to console $['key1']
log to console $
log to console $
second case
[documentation] default values with user-keywords
calculate and check equals
calculate and check equals 1+5
calculate and check equals 7-2 $
calculate and check equals expression=6+3 expected=$
third case
[documentation] varargs with user-keywords
varargs keyword a f $
varargs keyword @ $
kwargs keyword key1=value1 key2=789
kwargs keyword &
kwargs keyword & mykey=tututu &
fourth case
[documentation] data-driven case
[template] calculate "$" and check equals "$"
2+4 $
9-2 $
6*4 $
fifth case
[documentation] builtin library
$ get dictionary keys $
log to console $
testcase表中加入一條case呼叫collections中的 get dictionary keys。*** settings ***
resource pub.txt
library collections
*** test cases ***
fifth case
$ get dictionary keys $
log $
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