兩種呼叫方式:distancetransform(edge, dist, disttype, masksize);
distancetransform(edge, dist, labels, disttype, masksize, labeltype);
如mat dis;
dist.convertto(dis , cv_8u, 1, 0);
dist 32s的距離變換圖
disttype 距離型別
label :label圖,生成的是維諾圖,還能表示連通域when labeltype==dist_label_ccomp, the function scans through the input image and
marks all the zero pixels with distinct labels.
labeltype:可取 0 1兩個值 dist_label_ccomp時,每個黑色連通域的影象以及距離變換離他最小的地方會被標成同乙個label each connected component of zeros in src (as well as all the non-zero pixels closest to the
connected component) will be assigned the same label
dist_label_pixel = 1 /** each zero pixel (and all the non-zero pixels closest to it) gets its own label. */ 每個區域得到自己的label
enum distancetypes {
dist_user = -1, //!< user defined distance //使用者自定義距離
dist_l1 = 1, //!< distance = |x1-x2| + |y1-y2| //l1模距離
dist_l2 = 2, //!< the ****** euclidean distance //l2模距離 歐氏距離
dist_c = 3, //!< distance = max(|x1-x2|,|y1-y2|)
dist_l12 = 4, //!< l1-l2 metric: distance = 2(sqrt(1+x*x/2) - 1))
dist_fair = 5, //!< distance = c^2(|x|/c-log(1+|x|/c)), c = 1.3998
dist_welsch = 6, //!< distance = c^2/2(1-exp(-(x/c)^2)), c = 2.9846
dist_huber = 7 //!< distance = |x|用法
Opencv3 1基於Vibe去除前景
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OpenCV 距離變換實現
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