oracle 建立表空間和使用者流程

2021-07-15 07:46:38 字數 4652 閱讀 5874

--用oralce sys使用者執行以下語句

--create tablespace


create tablespace fmss



create tablespace dlt



create tablespace work



create tablespace metabase



create tablespace report



--create user fmss

create user fmss identified by fmss

default tablespace fmss

temporary tablespace temp

profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to fmss;

grant "resource" to fmss;

grant unlimited tablespace to fmss;

grant create any view to fmss;

grant drop any view to fmss;

alter user fmss default role all;

grant create any table to fmss;

grant debug connect session to fmss;

grant create public synonym to fmss;

grant drop public synonym to fmss;

--create user dlt

create user dlt identified by dlt

default tablespace dlt

temporary tablespace temp

profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to dlt;

grant "resource" to dlt;

grant unlimited tablespace to dlt;

grant create any view to dlt;

grant drop any view to dlt;

alter user dlt default role all;

grant create any table to dlt;

grant debug connect session to dlt;

grant create public synonym to dlt;

grant drop public synonym to dlt;

--create user work

create user work identified by work

default tablespace work

temporary tablespace temp

profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to work;

grant "resource" to work;

grant unlimited tablespace to work;

grant create any view to work;

grant drop any view to work;

alter user work default role all;

grant create any table to work;

grant debug connect session to work;

grant create public synonym to work;

grant drop public synonym to work;

--create user metabase

create user metabase identified by metabase

default tablespace metabase

temporary tablespace temp

profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to metabase;

grant "resource" to metabase;

grant unlimited tablespace to metabase;

grant create any view to metabase;

grant drop any view to metabase;

alter user metabase default role all;

grant create any table to metabase;

grant debug connect session to metabase;

grant create public synonym to metabase;

grant drop public synonym to metabase;

--create user report

create user report identified by report

default tablespace report

temporary tablespace temp

profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to report;

grant "resource" to report;

grant unlimited tablespace to report;

grant create any view to report;

grant drop any view to report;

alter user report default role all;

grant create any table to report;

grant debug connect session to report;

grant create public synonym to report;

grant drop public synonym to report;


create or replace directory dir_dmp as '/dir_dmp/dump';

grant read,write on directory dir_dmp to fmss,dlt,work,metabase,report;


tar -xvzf fmss_dlt_20160526.tar.gz


impdp fmss/fmss directory=dir_dmp dumpfile=fmss_201607141650.dump log=fmss_201607141650.log;

impdp dlt/dlt directory=dir_dmp dumpfile=dlt_201607141650.dump log=dlt_201607141650.log

impdp work/work directory=dir_dmp dumpfile=work_201607141650.dump log=work_201607141650.log

impdp report/report directory=dir_dmp dumpfile=report_201607141650.dump log=report_201607141650.log

impdp metabase/metabase directory=dir_dmp dumpfile=metabase_201607141650.dump log=metabase_201607141650.log


刪除 使用者和表空間:

drop user fmss cascade;

drop user dlt cascade;

drop user metabase cascade;

drop user work cascade;

drop user report cascade;

drop tablespace fmss including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace dlt including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace metabase including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace work including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace report including contents and datafiles;



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oracle建立表空間和使用者 sql view plain copy 建立表空間和使用者的步驟 使用者 建立 create user 使用者名稱 identified by 密碼 授權 grant create session to使用者名稱 grant create table to使用者名稱 ...


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