#includeusing namespace std;
class base
; //base的建構函式
~base() //base的析構函式
; virtual void dosomething()
;};class derived : public base
; //derived的建構函式
~derived() //derived的析構函式
; void dosomething()
;};int main()
1 do something in class derived!
2 output from the destructor of class derived!
3 output from the destructor of class base!
4 5 do something in class derived!
6 output from the destructor of class base!
1 do something in class derived!
2 output from the destructor of class derived!
3 output from the destructor of class base!
4 5 do something in class derived!
6 output from the destructor of class derived!
7 output from the destructor of class base!
當派生類物件撤銷時,一般先呼叫派生類的析構函式,然後再呼叫基類的析構函式。include using namespace std class base class derived public base int main void 執行結果 呼叫基類base的析構函式 如果在主函式中用new運算子建...
析構函式virtual與非virtual區別 作為通常的原則,如果乙個類定義了虛函式,那麼它的析構函式就應當是virtual的。因為定義了虛函式則隱含著 這個類會被繼承,並且會通過基類的指標指向子類物件,從而得到多型性。這個類可能會被繼承,並且會通過基類的指標指向子類物件 因此基類的析構函式是否為虛...
例子 include include include using namespace std class per1 public per1 cout create per1 create per1 create per2 exit per2 delete p exit per1 不加virtual的...