option base 1
private sub command1_click()
clsme.font.size = 30
dim anma() as integer
dim m as integer, n as integer
m = 5: n = 6
redim anma(m, n)
dim i as integer, j as integer
for i = 1 to m
for j = 1 to n
anma(i, j) = 10 + int(rnd() * 90)
next j
next i
for i = 1 to m
for j = 1 to n
print anma(i, j); spc(3);
next j
next i
dim row_max as integer, column_max as integer
for i = 1 to m
row_max = anma(i, 1)
column_max = 1
for j = 2 to n
if anma(i, j) > row_max then
row_max = anma(i, j)
column_max = j
end if
next j
for k = 1 to m
if anma(k, column_max) < row_max then
exit for
end if
next k
if k = m + 1 then
print "鞍點:" & i & "," & column_max
end if
next i
end sub
因剛開始編寫程式匆忙,很多字母沒有定義,仔細檢查後,定義了所有的字母,中間有許多程式都不會編碼,在網上找到參考後,略懂一點,在這次程式中,我了解到pubilc sub這種大的範圍宣告,了解了情況的分類和列舉,打程式時,很多情況都沒考慮到,很多東西都是找的網上參考才使程式完整。
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