
2021-07-10 03:40:48 字數 1196 閱讀 2062


nsdate *nowdate = [nsdate date];

nsarray *weekdays = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@」周天」,@」周一」, @」周二」,@」週三」,@」周四」,@」周五」,@」週六」,nil];

nscalendar *calendar = [[nscalendar alloc] initwithcalendaridentifier:nsgregoriancalendar];

nstimezone *timezone = [[nstimezone alloc] initwithname:@"asia/shanghai"];

[calendar settimezone: timezone];

nscalendarunit calendarunit = nscalendarunitweekday|nscalendarunitmonth|nscalendarunitday|nscalendarunityear;


for(int i = 0 ; i < 7; i++){


nstimeinterval oneday = 24*60*60*1; //1天的長度

nsdate * thedate = [nowdate initwithtimeintervalsincenow: +oneday*i ];

nsdatecomponents *components = [calendar components:calendarunit fromdate:thedate];



nsinteger weekday = components.weekday;

nsinteger month = components.month;

nsinteger day = components.day;


nsstring *weekdaystring = [weekdays objectatindex:weekday-1];


nsstring *monthanddaystring = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%ld-%ld",month,day];

Python 獲取日期對應的星期數

import calendar 首先引入calendar中的day name,列舉了周一到週日 calendar.day name 獲取字串形式的日期 datestring ex.split 0 使用datatime中的striptime函式將字串轉換為日期時間型別 注意這裡的datatime是乙個...


獲取這一周的第一天日期 calendar c new gregoriancalendar c.set calendar.year,integer.parseint year c.set calendar.week of year,calendar.get calendar.week of year ...


上效果圖 var mydate new date 獲取當前時間 mydate.getyear 獲取當前年份 2位 mydate.getfullyear 獲取完整的年份 4位,2020 mydate.getmonth 獲取當前月份 0 11,0代表1月 mydate.getdate 獲取當前日份 1 ...