從0開始《十》 atof 函式的簡單實現

2021-07-06 04:40:47 字數 2043 閱讀 7551



double atof(char s)

return sign * val / power;


程式二:對atof函式進行擴充,使它可以處理形如123.45e-6的科學表示法,其中,浮點數後面可能會緊跟乙個 e或e一級乙個指數(可能有正負號)


#include #include #include double myatof(char s)  

if (toupper(s[i++]) == 'e')

/*這裡換為int vale怎麼樣*/

vale = pow(10,exp);

if (signe == 1)

return sign * vale * val / power;


return sign * val / power / vale;

} else

return sign * val / power;



#include #include #include #include #include int my_atof(char *string, double *pnumber)

if (string == 0)

retval = zero;

num = string;

/* advance past white space. */

while (isspace(*num))


/* check for sign. */

if (*num == '+')


else if (*num == '-')

/* calculate the integer part. */

while (isdigit(*num))

/* calculate the fractional part. */

if (*num == '.')

}/* if this is not a number, return error condition. */

if (!found_digits)

/* if all digits of integer & fractional part are 0, return 0.0 */

if (retval == zero)

/* process the exponent (if any) */

if ((*num == 'e') || (*num == 'e'))

/* what if the exponent is empty? return the current result. */

if (!isdigit(*num))

/* convert char exponent to number <= 2 billion. */

while (isdigit(*num) && (exponent < long_max / 10))

/* compensate for the exponent. */

if (neg_exponent)


retval *= one_tenth;

} else

for (index = 1; index <= exponent && !get_out; index++)


retval *= ten;}}

if (is_negative)

retval = -retval;

*pnumber = retval;

return (1);

}double atof(char *s)

return d;

}char *strings = ;

int main(void)

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