
2021-07-03 19:45:35 字數 3105 閱讀 5999



create database test;建立資料庫test

drop database test;刪除資料庫test

use test;使用資料庫test

show databases;顯示所有的資料庫


create table test (

username vachar(100),

passwd varchar,


create table new_table like old_table;//從已有表建立新錶

create table new_table as select col1,col2,...,coln from old_table definition only;用舊表的特定列建立新錶

drop table test;刪除表test

alter table test add column user_*** int;給表test增加一列user_***並指定資料型別

alter table test add primary key(username);給表test新增主鍵為username

alter table test drop primary key(username);刪除表的主鍵



select * from table_name where arr_1 = value;*表示選出所有列

select * from table_name where arr_1 between value1 and value2;

select * from table_name where arr_1 like '%value%';like %value%表示只要含有value字串就行

select username, passwd from test;從表test中選出指定列

select distinct username from test;從表test中選出username列並去重

select * from table_name where col_1 = 'value1' and(or) col_2 = 'value2';雙重條件,若多重可加括號

select name, age from person order by name, age;//從person表中選出name和age兩列,按字母順序顯示name,以數字順序顯示age

select name, age from person order by name desc, age asc;//從person表中選出name和age兩列,按字母順序顯示name,以數字順序顯示age

select col_1, col_2 from old_table as new_table;從表old_table中取出兩列形成新的表new_table


update table_name set col_1 = new_value where col_2 = value2

update test set passwd = 'newpasswd' where username = 'hbj';更新username為hbj的密碼為passwd


insert into table_name values (value1, value2,....);插入所有值

insert into table_name (col_1, col_2,...) values (value1, value2,....);

insert into lab (name, officer) values ('ngirc', 'cqxu');特定列值插入


delete * from table_name;刪除所有列

delete from table_name where col_1='value1';刪除特定列


1.select top number|percent col_1 from table_name:select top 2 * from test;限制了顯示的條目數

2.selet col_1 from table_name where col_2 in (value1,value2,...);col_2有多選項

3.select col_1 as name_1, col_2 as name_2 from table_name;給表取個別名

4.select new1.col_1, new2.col_3, new2.col_7 from table1 as new1, table2 as new2 where new1.col_5 = 'value5' and new2.col_7 = 'value7' ;此語句也可用5來寫

5.select persons.lastname, persons.firstname, orders.orderno from persons inner join orders on persons.id_p=orders.id_p order by persons.lastname;適用於兩個表有共享鍵的情形,也可用4來寫

6.select column_name(s) from table_name1 left join table_name2  on table_name1.column_name = table_name2.column_name;返回table_name1中所有的行即使table_name2中沒有匹配的行。

7.select column_name(s) from table_name1 left join table_name2  on table_name1.column_name = table_name2.column_name;跟6恰好相反;join的作用只是將選出的部分鄰接在一起。

8.select col_1 from table_name1 union select col_2 from table_name2;將兩個表中選出的資料融合到一起



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